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  1. midTN_Brangusman

    Loading Chute

    Does anyone here know how to work this chute? Just bought it through an auction and can’t figure it out. Thanks
  2. midTN_Brangusman

    Bermuda vs. Bahia seed

    Wanted to get some opinions. This spring I am sewing approximately 120 acres that the drought of 2021 killed most of my summer grass. I have been debating between Wrangler Bermuda or Tifton 9 Bahia or possibly a blend of the two (hand mixing). Sprigging hybrid bermuda is not an option due to...
  3. midTN_Brangusman

    Dozer Question

    Was doing some clearing today and my left track started locking up. It would lock up going forward then unlock going in reverse. Would work fine for a while then locked up again. Any thoughts? It is a John Deere 850J
  4. midTN_Brangusman

    Cow Checking Drone

    Looking for a good drone to check cattle and take pictures/video that won’t break the bank. Would need to cover around 900 acres. Thanks in advance. Hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas!
  5. midTN_Brangusman

    Sell or Hold'em

    Got 2 loads of 8 weight steers running on grass but grass is about shot. Im going to have to buy hay or sell in the next week or so. Board has been down hard this week. Part of me thinks I should hold out and let the market come back, the other half says sell before it gets any lower. What are...
  6. midTN_Brangusman

    Herbicide Question

    Last month I ordered 30 gallons of Grazon next. I went and picked it up at the feed store Saturday and they gave me Gunslinger AMP. They even put Grazon next on the receipt. I didn’t notice this until I got home and called the feed store and they said it was the exact same thing. Curious if I...
  7. midTN_Brangusman

    Continuous Fence Installation

    What’s the going cost to have the 20 ft panels installed per foot? I have approximately 700 ft, most of the pipe post are already installed. I have the panels just need an approximate install price. Thanks in advance.
  8. midTN_Brangusman

    Best Spray Mix

    I have 600 acres of pasture land in Stigler, OK to spray of which 170 acres has been approved by the local NRCS office for brush management. They will cover the cost of Remedy Ultra but not the 2-4-D for the cleaner pastures. In these 170 acres there are some small cedars (1-2 ft high), wild...
  9. midTN_Brangusman


    Has anyone here went through the process using EQIP with the NRCS office? I recently purchased a ranch and looking to renovate the pastures. I am looking at several thousands of dollars for seed, fertilize and spraying. I just wanted to see if it was worth it to go through the process and how...
  10. midTN_Brangusman

    Hydraulic Chute

    I am looking to upgrade to a hydraulic squeeze chute. Currently using a manual powder river. It has done well for me but wanted to upgrade to hydraulic. Those that have one, what do you recommend and which ones to stay away from? I have found a like new used stronghold chute, anyone ever...
  11. midTN_Brangusman

    Taking the Leap

    I have always had a dream of leaving the corporate world and purchasing a ranch and do cattle full time. Currently where I am located, land prices are through the roof and no land is available to rent. I have been trying to determine how much of a ranch's purchase price would be needed so I can...
  12. midTN_Brangusman

    Purchasing Feeder Cattle Futures Contracts

    Has anyone had any experience with buying a futures contract or puts. I have two loads of feeder steers that will be ready for November delivery but want to give myself some assurance if prices drop. Any info or contacts would be greatly appreciated.
  13. midTN_Brangusman

    Head Scratcher

    Just curious if anyone has had similar experiences. Yesterday afternoon i went to unroll the recip herd a bale of hay. These are commercial cows due 2-26-20 with embryo calves. One of the cows had a calf at side. These cows were palpated open and synchronized before implanting embryos...
  14. midTN_Brangusman

    Retain Ownership or Sell?

    I have a load of steers I weaned this fall, my plan was to put them in a video sale in March. By then they should be in the 750 -800 lb range. Was also thinking about sending them to Kansas/Nebraska to a feed lot. This would put me at about $3500 for trucking plus feed. Has anyone done this...
  15. midTN_Brangusman

    ET Tips?

    We are putting in 35 frozen embryos in a couple weeks and flushing two cows. All have been on concept aid mineral and given multimin shots. I have done ET before and have averaged around 50% conception. For those that have made a science of it, are there any tips that you could share that...
  16. midTN_Brangusman

    Cake Feeder

    You guys that use them, do you have a set of scales on yours or how to you keep track how much your feeding? I have a neighbor that uses a stopwatch. I installed a set of roadside feed bunks for my bull lots and replacement heifer lots in an attempt to cut feeding time down and stay out of...
  17. midTN_Brangusman

    Annual Cost per Cow

    I saw this mentioned in another thread and it got me to thinking what a cow actually costs me. Here is my breakdown that is correct to my knowledge. I'm sure there are things on here I have not accounted for. I would love to see your breakdowns and what you guys are doing to cut costs. I...
  18. midTN_Brangusman

    Turn Key or Fixer Upper

    I am looking at purchasing some land in the next 2-3 years. Have debated on whether to go with a turn key cattle operation or a fixer upper and more acreage. In the area I have been looking, a turn key cattle farm is about $1,500 more per acre than one with about 40-50% timber that will need...
  19. midTN_Brangusman

    Cow with Stiff Joints

    Bough a Hereford cow with black baldy calf on Monday at the sale. Gave the cow injectable wormer and triangle 10. Yesterday I noticed she could barely walk, stiff legged walk, not bending knees or hocks. She was dead this morning. Has anyone witnessed this before?
  20. midTN_Brangusman

    6.7 Cummins

    Just bought a 2007 Ram 3500 for a farm truck. I have always been a ford man but my 6.4L F350 is now in someone else's shop :banana: This truck is the later 2007 model with the 6.7. I wanted a manual transmission but got a good deal on the truck so I took a chance, it has the 6 speed...