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  1. B

    Still too wet

    They are still trying to get their wheat put up. Not much hay has been put up yet and what has been was rained on at least once. This week should change some things though. The low spots are still muddy in my pastures but at least the standing water is gone. My hay meadow is a mess. I...
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    Down. And out!

    She probably fell thru the fence while trying to stand. I would lift her although my success rate when doing so is not very good. Its not that I do damage, its just that they are broke down enough to where they don't have the strength to push them selves back up. As big as she is, that could...
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    Newbie from Brenham TX

    With 5 horses and a donkey on 17 acres, you are fighting a uphill battle. If they were cattle, I would tell you to cut back to two, maybe three. With horses, it is worse than that. The truth is they will eat everything before it has a chance to get big and seed out. Horses are very hard on...
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    Scotland-Ireland vacation Advice please

    Its going to be tough to get them old cow pairs back to Texas
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    Hope he stays on his side of the fence.

    The neighbors ugly bull was the problem I had when trying to have a shorter calving season. Of course the neighbor wouldn't do anything. He would say "well all your cows are coming in heat, what do you expect". It wasn't worth getting into a argument about. He is the most negative guy I...
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    1400lb 4H Steer wants to hurt my kid

    Can you walk on one side of the steer and your son on the other during the show?
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    1400lb 4H Steer wants to hurt my kid

    Maybe a good time to try some of that Ferrappease stuff.
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    1400lb 4H Steer wants to hurt my kid

    I doubt you are going to solve any handling problem in 6 days. The steer is not used to the kid and knows he can intimidate him. I'm sure you know now but the kid should have been working with the steer from the beginning.
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    cheaters never tournament fraud

    Some of the honest guys that fish these events are a little on the rough side. The cheater could very well also experience some lead poisoning.
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    Bull testing

    I don't test every year. Lack of vets in the area is one reason. I do keep very good records on what the bull is doing. Its easy to jot down in the memo section on my phone who he is sniffing around on and when. The steer calves ganging up around a cow in heat is another indicator.
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    Ornery bull

    He's just a bored young man. The ladies in his own group will keep his mind occupied. Meanwhile, keep your truck out of his pasture.
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    New Tractor

    Buying a new or nearly new tractor and taking care of it is really not all that expensive as the tractors lose very little value per year compared to a car or pickup. In this day and age of high inflation they almost stay the same value if just used for normal farm operations and kept out of...
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    Fall Market?

    I think I would wean them for a couple weeks to get the bawl out then sell them and buy 10 older, thin, medium size bred cows that would calve in August/Sept. Let them calve and stay through the winter. By spring flush you will have 10 more 400-500 lb calves plus 10 fat packer cows to sell...
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    A new entry into Mammoth Cave?
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    best summer grass seed when mid central Texas

    Too late for this year to do more than what you have done. Enjoy what you have. Don't over graze it. Spray for weeds. Seed will always wash around with a big rain. It will settle in low spots and will silt to cover it up. You will have some nice growth somewhere
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    This is Crazy over $10/pound!

    Are the calves AI'd beef on dairy?
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    KY banning hunting of hogs

    You might be surprised how many young they kill. Bust up a group of a sow and her piglets and she will run to survive. The piglets are on their own.
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    No Till Drill

    what are you wanting to plant?
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    KY banning hunting of hogs

    You have to learn to live with them like any other varmint. Kill off their natural predators like bobcats and coyotes will only make the problems worse. Like buzzards, take a shot at them even if they are to far to hit to let them know they are being hunted. Folks using deer feeders are your...
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    Close to $2.00 killer bulls

    Losing 10% over 24 hours is very possible with a large fleshy animal with a rumen full of green grass. Unless he was penned alone those big bulls are in constant motion at the sale barn trying to establish themselves and/or trying to breed anything that will let them. I know its not...