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  1. Travlr

    Texas Tendencies

    Well then you might want to consider that there is always two sides to every story... and it might be good to take any advice you get here with a grain of salt before investing in it.
  2. Travlr

    New ( to me) use for Corriente Cattle

    Yeah... and those shills have no concern about the damage they do... eh?
  3. Travlr

    New ( to me) use for Corriente Cattle

    If he's smart he will be keeping his cards close to his vest... But from what you've said already it sounds like he will be selling his ideas, cultivating a following, and working the room to impress.
  4. Travlr

    Texas Tendencies

    Well if neither demands an explanation... and the other alternatives don't... then I choose to remain silent. But thanks for your interest.
  5. Travlr

    Texas Tendencies

    LOL... (facepalm)
  6. Travlr

    Post a pic of your bull

    I think you're right. I had a bunch of apple butts in the early to mid 80's and they brought good money but then people got scared of them because people with crappy cattle had some poor calving results and the fear took hold and the double muscled calves started to be discounted. Personally, I...
  7. Travlr

    Milking a hereford for profit?

    I knew a guy in Northern California that milked black Angus back in the days when most were tiny little 4 foot tall midgets, and his were huge. I suspect he had half Holsteins. As someone said, Herefords can have a wide range of milking ability. You might get half a gallon and you might get 3...
  8. Travlr

    JC Martin saddles

    I've never bought a brand new saddle. There are too many good used ones out there for much more reasonable prices.
  9. Travlr

    Number a bull can breed

    From my experience that is very light duty for a young bull. The way I see it, probably 70 percent or more cows settle on the first breeding. So the bull works hard for three weeks... and then he has much less to do in subsequent estrus cycles. I had a situation one year where I had to use an...
  10. Travlr

    Life Choices

    Yeah, Provo has grown a mite... Now it's solid people all the way to Payson. I was really disappointed when they closed the Spanish Fork sale barn. I think there are only three active sale barns in Utah now, and two are within twenty-five miles of each other.
  11. Travlr

    Longhorn bull to Hereford cows

    There was a particular bull that was very popular back in the early 80's and his offspring were very docile... but for some reason the next generation was nuts. I've never heard of aggression skipping a generation like that before, and maybe it had to do with his offspring being bred back to him...
  12. Travlr

    Longhorn bull to Hereford cows

    Yeah, I've had some crazy there. It's kind of amazing how Brimmer crosses are either gentle or nuts and there never seems to be a middle ground.
  13. Travlr

    Longhorn bull to Hereford cows

    And I've had the opposite experience.
  14. Travlr

    Longhorn bull to Hereford cows

    Limousine are great to cross on Herefords, especially if you get a homozygous black one. It never hurts to be prepared for a change in plans and it never seemed that my own plans were ever set in concrete from year to year. Having a profitable set of calves is always better than the alternative...
  15. Travlr

    Dang it, of all the luck

    No comment...
  16. Travlr

    Longhorn bull to Hereford cows

    In my experience there are several good things about Longhorns... but none of them translate into more profit at the point of sale... especially when this country is overly fascinated by the Certified Angus Beef (black hides) craziness. All breeds have their trade-offs, and the longhorn...
  17. Travlr


    I looked at a 400 acre place in Arkansas that had a spring flowing out of the ground maybe three feet higher than the pond less than a hundred feet away... and it was ten feet wide and six inches deep and fed the pond that was no more than thirty feet wide... and the pond had no outlet. In...
  18. Travlr

    Post a random thought

    No, but I do drive slower when this comes on...
  19. Travlr

    Daily Chuckle

    Dying in three to five years? OMG, I only have a year and a half to live. And I give blood in probably the most red state there is. Wow... On the other hand, I do know three people that have had side effects. All of them seem to be either fully recovered or well on their way. Scared them... but...
  20. Travlr

    Hope he stays on his side of the fence.

    I have generally allowed calves to come home on their own. It's amazing how young ones with get through a fence, and of course it's easy to worry about them... but they eventually find their way back if you give them enough time to get hungry.