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  1. T

    Parents should not be offended you school's library inventory

    Surprise! They've been saying they want to do it for at least 13 years. In aught 8 they said anyone who didn't vote for The Obama is a terrorist and shouldn't be allowed to fly. My amazement is that anyone didn't see it coming..... They've been saying for years that anyone who votes for a...
  2. T

    Parents should not be offended you school's library inventory

    It's so much worse than a couple porn books in the libary. Our daughter liked these day in the life of (whomever) books. We had started going to the public libary and I had started going to police the matter after so many questionable books had come home. There was one that made me nix the...
  3. T

    East Texas

    Ph of 5 is good info. I'd like to grow chestnuts, which like a ph of 6.5 or less. I understand some places are better than others. Thanks to all. It helps. All info is good. Y'all are great!
  4. T

    East Texas

    For some reason I come up empty handed when I google this. What is the soil ph? In the Tyler area or Nacogdoches/Lufkin. I understand it isn't consistent and can be different on the same property, but there should be a way to get a general idea of the ranges normally found. Also, what are the...
  5. T

    Parents should not be offended you school's library inventory

    It's all the other books, too, they're all crap. That's one of the reasons our kids aren't in the public school anymore.
  6. T

    Should I get back in?

    Buy the wife some strawberries and dip them in chocolate. Probably more returns there.
  7. T

    Trees vs undergrowth.

    Thanks! Great points.
  8. T

    Brangus Replacement Cow, Pair, Bull Prices Central, TX August 2021

    Google Jordan auction and look at the market report. Or Producers in San Angelo.
  9. T


    As I have a large extended family it has occurred to me that I have a large direct market that no one is currently utilizing......
  10. T


    That's about what I thought, Kenny... thanks.
  11. T


    With the higher prices for pork these days, has anyone thought about raising some pigs? Are they hard to get to market? We have regular auctions here for cattle, sheep, and goats, but I've never seen one for pigs. Just wondering if it is a decent idea or harder than it seems.
  12. T

    10 acres enough

    The thing that gets me is that it seems ten acres would actually be enough today doing what he did, or a similar updated version of his ideas. Of course, what he did was a lot of hard work.....
  13. T

    10 acres enough

    It's a book about state of the art farming methods by Edmund Morris. Has anyone read it? I thought it was an excellent read and really enlightening about so many things. The last third or so was a bit technical. Written in 1864.
  14. T

    Trees vs undergrowth.

    My thought is that you can't predict prices. I would assume it is going to stay about where it is. I know that they won't make a crop for 10 years, and for at least 15 years won't shade anything out. It would be a hay field with some pecan trees in it. I'm just wondering what having a bunch of...
  15. T

    Trees vs undergrowth.

    I think I messed up the last two posts. Now I understand the board functions. The cows are on the rest of the farm.