Recent content by SPH

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  1. SPH


    We list all our guarantees up front when we market our sale bulls. We'll take all our sale bulls along with our own herd bulls to the vet in the spring for a BSE which we'll also get all our yearling data collected at that visit too: weight, hip height, scrotal measurements and a carcass...
  2. SPH

    Collection costs

    An example of what pricing may look like for collection, Hawkeye Breeders has a pricing sheet on their website under services depending on what kind of collection you are looking for as they actually house bulls on site if the breeder wants multiple collections, sexed semen, storage, and they...
  3. SPH

    Mature cow weight by breed

    When talking about cow sizes in general it's like comparing apples to oranges because everyone has different types of cattle they breed for and different management practices as well that there is no "one size fits all" way to compare anymore. Go look at the various topics that have been...
  4. SPH

    AI vs Natural Service

    AI is not a bad thing if you do your homework and select proven bulls that meet your selection criteria. I want to see some calves sired by a bull before buying semen and I want to see some production of out of the animals in his pedigree to know he's not just some unproven EPD wonder. We've...
  5. SPH

    Baling pastures?

    Go for it. We bale part of one of our summer pastures that we turn out last on that basically has the same thing growing as yours does. Don't worry about the manure, if you think about it cows crap where they eat hay anyways and doesn't bother them. By the time you mow, rake and bale even if...
  6. SPH

    Show me your herd!

    These are from earlier this spring. First one is our top yearling heifer 2nd two were our 2 yearling sale bulls. Need to get some newer pictures of our cow/calf pairs now that they have been turned out on pasture.
  7. 59J.jpg


  8. bulls1.jpg


  9. bulls2.jpg


  10. SPH

    Bull hip height and frame score.

    Kind of the same thoughts I have. Give me a well made cow in the 5-6 frame range with that weight range and she'll be productive and efficient for you. We do pay attention to frame size but the difference between a 5 and 6 frame for a yearling bull at 12 months is 2 inches and at 48 months is...
  11. SPH

    Bull hip height and frame score.

    The great frame score debate lives on! My thoughts are if someone doesn't like bulls under a certain frame score such as a 6 or 7 the bull better have some guts to him because there are plenty of 6 and 7 frame score bulls out there that are more leg than guts than what some of the 5+ frame size...
  12. SPH

    When to breed? - sexed semen on natural heat.

    AI can be such a crapshoot as you get 1 shot at it and you hope you service at the right time of the heat cycle. You've got time and money invested in it all for the hope that you use that straw at the optimal moment I think we all second guess ourselves sometimes. We have always used the rule...
  13. SPH

    Moderate Frame

    Good description! Drives me nuts that when someone uses the term "moderate" that it means something different to everyone now days so it's really hard to use that term without knowing what the person you are discussing it with thinks it means. One guy thinks moderate is a 4 frame, another guy...
  14. SPH

    How is your AI sired calves looking

    Didn't have much luck with AI conception this calf crop for some reason but we only sync for 1 heat cycle then turn out with the bull to keep our calving window fairly tight so they only get 1 chance to stick to an AI service. Got 2 calves out GO King E33, 1 heifer that is out of a first calf...
  15. SPH

    Where do you find it?

    When you look up a pedigree on the Hereford website there is also a link under that animal for performance pedigree. If the breeder submits data to the association you will find everything from weight ratios, frame score, scrotal circumference, and carcass scan data both as an individual but...