Recent content by samanthasteven

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  1. S

    bottle calves for newbies

    Some really useful advice right here! Thanks.
  2. S

    fence tips and tricks

    :D very good setup :)
  3. S

    Cattle Memes -Go

    :lol: Can't stop laughing :D
  4. S

    Special Thanks

    I’m drooling!!
  5. S

    What are you eating today?

    Thai curry and cheese cake...very yummy
  6. S

    Birds in fruit trees....

    A cost-effective solution by implementing reflectors might help....
  7. S

    Winter garden 2018

    This looks amazing!!!
  8. S

    Anybody else like beet roots?

    Love iT... It has it all: colours, crunchiness, softness, many different tastes in one bite, it is amazing.
  9. S

    Sick calf

    This is a sign of brain damage...
  10. S

    Poison Ivy. How can I cure it?

    According to my experience If you treat it, the rash will go away in the next two weeks. If you delay treating it, the rash will go away in about 14 days. This article helps us understand the severity of poison-ivy.