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  1. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

  2. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

  3. MTaylor

    New to Cattle and Cattle Today

    "Life is too short to drink cheap beer or dance with ugly women". Thats funny! BUT! I have to tell U. Some of the best dates have been the ugly girls! Or maybe even the not so petite girls. Knew a girl I called Butter Face! Cuz everything looked good butter face! Don't drink much beer. But I...
  4. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

    Well all the fenced area is in the back, so they would have to be 4wheeling. I'm on a very light travelled county rd. But your right about getting called out in the middle of the night. Thats why I retired. That happen a lot. But I was ready. 40 years was enough!
  5. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

    Oh I pretty much like any conversation. Sometime I house locked. My wife fighting cancer for 3rd time. and sometime I just have to stay inside with her.
  6. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

    Some time he has as many as 25 to 30, and he will leave them a couple weeks to a month. He takes them off just before deer season cuz they wreck my feeders.
  7. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

    Yes I must say I do enjoy the big oaks and hickory. I enjoy walking the back , and I get a deer every year!
  8. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

    Anderson County, just outside Palestine Texas.
  9. MTaylor

    Just saying hello!

    I'm not really a rancher. Just a guy who retired from something else, and own 50ACRs. Trying to figure out what I can do with it. From time to time there are cows on my place, but they belong to a man down the road who I let put his cows here to help keep it grazed down. Would like to start...