Recent content by LandandVine

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  1. L

    Best Age?

    Rafter, Yes, I was planning to keep them about a year for learning and then sell them for a (hopeful) profit. Thank you for the advice. So far, it's a 3:1 vote on yearling over pairs.
  2. L

    Best Age?

    Thank you for the insight, my neighbor doesn't always make the best decisions or give the best advice, so I am leaning toward the yearlings. This is a learning adventure, thanks again.
  3. L

    Question for Mechanics

    Not a mechanic but I am a consumer. I agree with the folks on here that are suggesting a middle ground. They broke something that could have been avoided. The truck and parts are old and corroded but, that is exactly why they are being repaired and replaced. If they can't work on old stuff...
  4. L

    Best Age?

    Hello, I am new to cattle and have about 30 acres fenced in the southern part of Indiana. I am looking to start small and get some cattle but, I am not sure what age or size cattle to hunt for? My neighbor told me to get two cow calf pairs to start but someone else told me to get about 5...
  5. L

    Southern Indiana

    Hello, I am new to the forum and currently operating in Southern Indiana. I am here looking for trade partners and fresh opportunities.