Recent content by JH_cattle_co

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  1. JH_cattle_co

    Solar well pump?

    I have been very pleased with my Grundfos pumps. I have 2 wells that each pump into 10,000 gallon fiberglass storage tanks, the storage tanks supply water to several miles of poly water line and 17 troughs. I don't have any backup power, just sunlight, and I have never run out of water. I think...
  2. JH_cattle_co

    Bermuda vs bluestem

    I seeded 100 acres of b. dahl in early spring 2011, obviously it was a total failure, think I wound up with about 30 plants. Reseeded in 2013 with a mix of b. dahl (50%), klein (30%), and wilman (20%). I had little success with the b. dahl again, but the klein did good, and the wilman did...
  3. JH_cattle_co

    Hanover trailers

    Looks like that's in Aspermont. My grandfather has been pulling the same Hanover for over 30 years, it's been a good trailer, been pulled from Haskell to Van Horn and back probably 300 times. I wouldn't think twice about that price. If it's there next time I go through, I might have to pick it up.
  4. JH_cattle_co


    The "seeded" coastal they are referring to is probably Giant Bermuda
  5. JH_cattle_co


    Having grown up in Haskell county, my opinion is that place is way overpriced. There are much nicer and more productive places that will come up for sale here, just be patient. What size place are you looking for? Feel free to pm me, as I may know of some places that may be more to your liking...
  6. JH_cattle_co

    Drag chains or press wheels on drill

    I am looking at two different drills, both JD 450's, one 12' with press wheels, one 10' with drag chains. I will be using for planting oats in tilled ground and overseeding coastal on sandy ground. I would prefer a 10' with press wheels but I cant find one, so I am willing to compromise. I am...
  7. JH_cattle_co

    Bermuda Guys

    We have areas where we fed round bales of bermuda that have pretty decents stands of coastal, not very large areas, but it's growing none the less. This is about 30 miles northwest of Pecos, Texas. You may also try seeding Giant Bermuda, about 20 years ago, at a couple of our pastures around...
  8. JH_cattle_co

    red angus vs black angus

    I had mostly black angus until the start of last summer when I started buying reds, I have now sold all but about 20 of my best blacks and the rest are reds. I bought 25 head of reds off of one ranch and pieced together the rest of the herd buy buying several lots of 5-6 off of different places...
  9. JH_cattle_co

    Outrageous hay prices

    agree to disagree
  10. JH_cattle_co

    Outrageous hay prices

    It matters to me.
  11. JH_cattle_co

    Outrageous hay prices

    It seems to me the problem with selling hay at a reasonable price this year is that unless the people you are selling to are your neighbors or someone you know well, is that they will just buy it then turn around and sell it to someone else for double the price. If I were producing hay I would...
  12. JH_cattle_co

    Rain in Texas!!!

    Right at 6" at the ranch in northern Erath co. 4.6" at my house in Stephenville. Filled up most of the smaller tanks, the bigger ones are up to about 40% capacity. I guess my naked rain dance worked....
  13. JH_cattle_co

    Contract Cattle Work

    It only takes a few minutes to hook on to a trailer and load up animals. If I have to travel very far arrangements are made for the owner of the cattle to pay for fuel. Most of the time when we go work cattle for someone there are 4-5 of us, sometimes more. Also we typically work 2-5 days. If...
  14. JH_cattle_co

    Contract Cattle Work

    I am sure there is a lot of demand in your area, I have a freind that used to live in north east Texas and he stayed busy. They will be able to get more work and more money if they have a good set of dogs and good horses and know how to use them. Around here the going rate is $100-$150 per day.
  15. JH_cattle_co

    West Texas Ranches

    The general area you are looking at has some great ranching country. I would probably look a little further north or north east from Abilene where land is a little cheaper. The area around Stamford, Haskell, Albany, Knox City and Throckmorton still has land that is selling for decent prices, and...