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  1. H

    Trying to understand cattle

    Thanks Suzie - that help me. Your little bull is gorgeous. It must be so rewarding to watch them grow - like having an extended family. I can't wait until I visit the farm, especially when Ellie and Erika have their newborns. :banana:
  2. H

    Trying to understand cattle

    Last week it was sad. One of the little black cows wasn't gaining weight and for three days I noticed it was always the first to sit/lay down and last to get up again. One day it was left behind in the field nearest my house and I noticed when it got up it slowly walked to the bushes/hedge and...
  3. H

    strangers among the cattle

    Now I'd like to ask you something please. If you've read my posts in other threads you'll realise that I don't own any cows of my own, but have a field of them at the bottom of my garden. The farmer knows I love 'em to bits and he once invited me into the field while he was there. Great. But...
  4. H

    Quick and Easy Recipes

    Fish Pasta Pie Serves 6 - 8 (Prep time 10 mins plus time in oven) 500g pasta Two packs of assorted fish Knob of butter or marg 1 pack king size prawns 1 courgette Handful mushrooms 1 yellow pepper (or any colour you prefer) Garlic For the sauce: 2oz margarine or butter 1 tbsp plain flour Milk...
  5. H

    Moved house - new garden to care for

    Thanks for your suggestions - much appreciated. We have a fountain down the side of the house, close to where we do our BBQs, and we've put some lanterns close by to provide the light. We bought a hydrangae a couple of weeks ago but as yet been undecided where to plant it as they do grow...
  6. H

    Quick and Easy Recipes

    Pork Chops topped with Apples and Cheese This is very quick, easy and very tasty too ... Turn your oven on to 180 electric Cover a tray in tin foil, wash your chops and place in tray Wash apples - no need to peel them - then slice removing core and cover the chops (arranging apples so they...
  7. H

    Quick and Easy Recipes

    Apple and Blackberry Crumble I have apples and blackberries growing in my garden so decided to make crumbles with them and thought I'd share my recipe with you. Peel, core and dice as many apples as it takes to fill halfway up your dish Cover with blackberries Sprinkle over with caster sugar...
  8. H

    Moved house - new garden to care for

    Last year my partner and I moved in together and bought a house with a rather large garden on all four sides of it. The old lady who owned it before us had a gardener tend to the garden every week, but that's too much for us, and we're enjoying finding out what comes out to flower. We have...
  9. H

    Calf Dilemna . . .

    Blimey - the day I start thinking what a neighbour thinks about the name of anything I own I'll know I've hit rock bottom. Kathie you name them what you want, call out their names as loud and proud as you wish. And ... Grandpa's answer is brill.
  10. H

    GV cow and twin heifers

    Awww they look gorgeous. What's the blue bag doing round her neck?
  11. H

    Trying to understand cattle

    Not been around much recently, but thanks to all your advice I was able to help one of the cows which looked poorly a couple of weeks ago. He'd been limping around for a while - then seemed to get better. Then one morning I heard "mooing" at 5:30am so I looked outside and they were just...
  12. H

    Where in the world are you

    Dun - is that your photo in your avatar? It looks just like Trevor Peacock who plays Jim Trott in The Vicar of Dibley - have you ever seen that programme. He's famous because: If they gave a Nobel Prize for dithering, Jim would have to be be awarded it at every possible opportunity. "No...
  13. H

    Trying to understand cattle

    We had a bit of a commotion yesterday when two of the farmers brought in three new cows - two are bulls and are a gorgeous colour - mink. I know you all have names for each brand of cow so I'll have to learn them too to help me understand. One of the bulls looked to be crying with tears...
  14. H

    Where in the world are you

    Hi there Andybob - is there only me and thee from the UK then? I think Chrisy is also from the UK but perhaps hasn't got around to voting yet. I think it's wonderful to hear how everyone "talks" here on this forum - there's sometimes a misunderstanding I think in some posts in that we use...
  15. H

    What Happens When it RAINS....

    Lovely cows Randi - the young ones seem to enjoy posing for their photos being taken :nod: