Recent content by dbirdsong

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  1. D

    Would you use a classified section?

    I vote yes. I would sell bulls and heifers.
  2. D

    Preg test

    We have used the test for several years now. If you wait until 45 days after you pull your bull, the results are very accurate. The ones the come back as rechecks are usually bred but the last to breed. The opens will almost always be open after 45 days away from the bull. I have had a few the...
  3. D

    Show me your herd bull

    Thanks I think he’s going to produce some nice replacements. I only have two because his genomics showed a high bw and ced so I only bred him to 8 cows to be safe and got two heifers. I’m hoping for more this year.
  4. D

    Show me your herd bull

    Resource x EXT bred to produce replacements. One of his first daughters. Can’t wait to get more. I only bred him to a handful because of bw concerns. Got two daughters. Using him to clean up this year.
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  7. D

    Bred heifers starting to calve!

    It was a bull calf. I was hoping for heifers, but I’ll take a live calf.
  8. D

    Bred heifers starting to calve!

    Oops, three of the pictures are of the Rampage spring born.
  9. D

    Bred heifers starting to calve!

    This is the Resource daughter.
  10. D

    Bred heifers starting to calve!

    I bought ten bred heifers and had my first calf this week. A 66 pound Homestead calf out of a Resource daughter. She is the first heifer pictured. The others are heifer that could calve any day and the calf is a spring born Rampage daughter.
  11. D

    Blast away

    He is 3 months old in the picture.
  12. D

    Blast away

    Well my bull injured himself and had to take a ride to town but I do have a son that is a prospect to replace him. Pick him apart because I’m on the fence.
  13. D

    SAV America has a long way to go

    We bred all of our mature cow to either president or rain dance a
  14. D

    SAV America has a long way to go

    I don’t think he will ever have the use either Final Answer or Hoover Dam had because of his bw and price. Angus breeders might use him heavily but the commercial sector will shy away.
  15. D

    SAV America has a long way to go

    True but they proved their value through their progeny not sale ring hype.