Recent content by Bez

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  1. Bez

    Would you use a classified section?

    In all honesty I am not certain if I would advertise but I might buy!
  2. Bez

    Merry Xmas

    Living just south of Calgary near Nanton. Looking for work but no joy yet. Be safe and have a wonderful Christmas.
  3. Bez

    Merry Xmas

    Merry Christmas to all. May He Guard and Bless all of your homes and Keep all of your families safe. All the best to all of you from our house to your house. Bez
  4. Bez

    Chute question

    Buy the chute you like and get your welder to adapt it to whatever you need for a 3 point hitch. Probably cheaper than buying a wheel kit. All the best and cheers from Alberta! Bez
  5. Bez

    Perhaps This Is Why I seldom Post Any More

    I sent this to the mod that censored me: In the end you are removing something that describes exactly what happened to me. Describes exactly why I became unemployed. Describes why I was forced to sell my house and farm. And now you also censor the truth and keep it hidden from others. The...
  6. Bez

    Perhaps This Is Why I seldom Post Any More

    Well, it appears my post on being forced to sell the farm due to federal mandates was removed. Not certain where it went but it was deemd to be political. Despite the fact it ws truthful. I truly wish all members the best. I will simply sit back and watch and read. I might make the occaisional...
  7. Bez

    Water Question for the North

    Not sure of your setup, but we filled the tank every day for them to drink. We used a floating electrically powered heater to keep it from freezing. We left it in the tank 24/7. The pump we used for water was covered with a small plastic barrel and we kept a light in it to keep it from freezing...
  8. Bez

    Another valued member passed yesterday (Hillsdown)

    My thoughts and prayers go out to her family. May they all know that she is smiling down upon them from Heaven. May her family be watched over by God's Angels.
  9. Bez

    Cold enough

    Time to bring all those lefty, anti oil and gas folks into your region, dress them in short pants and a T-shirt, kick them outside and ask them how they want to stay warm! Best to all, Bez
  10. Bez

    Lost another great guy

    May he rest in peace. May God's Angels look after his family.
  11. Bez

    Dominating swimmer..............

    That person is a "he" and calling him a "she" in the article means the truth is yet again being subverted. If you are born with "stuff" dangling between your legs you are a male of the species. If you are born with nothing dangling between your legs you are a female of the species. It takes one...
  12. Bez

    Sad news regarding a cherished member

    May he be safe in God's Arms. May God's Angels take care of his family.
  13. Bez

    Officer killed.

    It is time to stand down Brother. Your watch is over. Others will take it from here. May you be safe in God's Arms. May His Angels look after your family. RIP
  14. Bez

    We Are Back And Farm Is Sold - Lots of Pics On Flicker

    Thought I would start a new thread on our plans. As most folks know we are selling the farm and leaving for the west. The farm is now sold and we did a long trip out west to find a few spots that we thought might be nice to re-locate to. In the end we cannot re-locate until I find work. I...