Pasture Pet Peeves

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After reading all these stories I once again realize it sure is nice to live in an area with no people. With miles after miles of range land if a cow of yours wanders on to my place it is not a concern because 2 of mine probably wandered on to yours. We all work together to get that sorted out come fall gathering.
Dad said there were a couple neighbors near Jeffery City that didn't like each other so they each built their own fence with two or three feet between them. It was partially falling down when he was out there in the late 50's.
What kind of people in a subdivision just throw out trash on their place and it blows away? Is this a 'housing project' or a nice suburban neighborhood?
I suspect there are more renters nowadays... I've seen very few renters that took care of a house they didn't own.
I'm so glad I no longer have rentals. I got all the responses why they couldn't pay the rent. One was can we owe it to you, they already did. Dad once had someone say they could do anything they wanted before they moved in, they never got the chance.
What kind of people in a subdivision just throw out trash on their place and it blows away? Is this a 'housing project' or a nice suburban neighborhood?
Very nice subdivisions. Not a single house sold under $700,000. Most were closer to $1million. One of the subdivisions is actually on part of our original farm- the part my aunt inherited/sold. 1/2acre lots started at $65,000. Most bought 2 or 3 lots. Crazy. And of course, since they moved to the country, they think they own the country. You'd be shocked at what they've called the sheriff's department on me for.
What kind of people in a subdivision just throw out trash on their place and it blows away? Is this a 'housing project' or a nice suburban neighborhood?
I have a big deal about trash. It drives me insane. I never throw stuff out and always pick up what I see. My son has become to same way now because I am always saying grab that, pick that up, put that in the trash, clean that out. Now he just does it.

I have a friend who does not. If he or his family are around there will be trash every where. His kids will flat out open some thing and drop the plastic square on the ground. He or them will both set plastic on a table, on a windy day, and then act surprised when it blows away. If you are not standing there to say grab that they just let it go. If they use my mule or get in my truck they just leave their trash like a trash fairy will come get it.

He gets pissy when I start tell them to pick their trash up because I have got on them before about it. He always says, we were going to get that. Then I'll send them pics after they leave of all the trash "they were goingvto get" that I had to pick up.

They just do not stop and put trash where it belongs and it blows my mind. If I don't a job, I gather my tools, my materials, and some thing to put the trash in. If I open some thing and have trash, I put it in the trash before I do any thing else.

I live across from a school and get tons of trash in my yard. Their decorations and chip bags and all kinds of stuff blows in my yard.

At a lot I own in town, people pull up to the stop sign and throw their beer bottles and cans in the ditch on the corner. Same with my house, it's a corner lot and people just pitch beer cans and bottles out in the yard on the corner.

People are trashy as F*. It's kind of like the cows getting on other people's property, no one just has the integrity to do what's right with out being told or made to do so.
Very nice subdivisions. Not a single house sold under $700,000. Most were closer to $1million. One of the subdivisions is actually on part of our original farm- the part my aunt inherited/sold. 1/2acre lots started at $65,000. Most bought 2 or 3 lots. Crazy. And of course, since they moved to the country, they think they own the country. You'd be shocked at what they've called the sheriff's department on me for.
Be glad they are 1/2 acre lots. We have that white trash with money on plots up to 40 acres. Out here in California we have a lot of restrictions on subdividing parcels. So what is some one will build a mansion on a large lot and then not do any landscaping. For someone who wants to live the rural life, a couple of acres and a more modest house is all that is needed. Anything more becomes a burden.
Last year I heard a noise out on the road in the wee hours of the morning and went out in the dark to check it out. It was a wreck with a PU truck lying on it's side that was hitched to a trailer with an SUV on it that was completely upside down. A man and a woman were out walking around and I could see they weren't injured, so I just watched from a distance. Apparently they were making a blind curve and someone was in their lane so he took evasive action and went off the road. The other driver never stopped. A passing car offered to help them were told they were alright. Those people said they had called the law to report the accident, then that car left. What surprised me was that the couple started scurrying around grabbing full trash bags and flinging them over the fence into my pasture. The law arrived so I went back to bed. The next morning I found a small fortune in empty beer cans. In Oregon it's 10 cents a can refund. I also found a loaded pistol tucked up in the grass next to a fence post. I called the cops and the same state trooper who was there the night before showed up to take possession of it. He said either stolen or he was a felon and forbidden to have fire arms. He said he would call and ask them about it. How's that for trash in your field?
I'm so glad I no longer have rentals. I got all the responses why they couldn't pay the rent. One was can we owe it to you, they already did. Dad once had someone say they could do anything they wanted before they moved in, they never got the chance.

I always made a point to either meet them at their car when they pulled up, or walk them to their car... and then take a good look at their car while I talk to them about their model car to see what they say about it. A car full of trash is an automatic red flag. A well organized car, even if it's not pristinely clean says something else. And the things they say, complaints or otherwise, say something too.
Today after church we drove out into the country. Some friends are buying a place which will bring them a lot closer to the area. I had drove by the place they are buying once by myself. The wife wanted to see it. Getting there you drive through about 12 miles of well kept old farms and ranches. There is a little point of trees sticking out into the valley. As we passed through there I told my wife every thing to the left up to the base of the hill is divided up into 5 and 10's. It is probably 2 miles to the house our friends are buying. The wife commented how many trashy places there. There are some well kept places, including the ones our friends are buying. But there are 2 or 3 trashy one for every well kept one.
I had never been to this part of the Baker Valley before my friends talked about moving there. These smaller places are pretty rare here. It is either live in town or own a good size farm of ranch.
One thing is pure D white trash laziness with the trashy country places but a contributing factor might be the high cost of taking stuff to the dump, the fee and the expensive gas to get there. My husbands ranch in central Texas, one and a half sections, the family had a ravine way in the back where they dumped their bottles and cans.

His ranch equipment he maintained and repaired. His one ton Ford dually flat bed had 27 years on it and was in fine shape when he sold to some other ranchers. He sold the ranch because too many yankees, Californians and city people from Austin moving in. John Deer Tractor 40/twenty was 50 years old he sold to these same cowboys. But in those times older times SOBs would dump their garbage and junk appliances on the road through the ranch he had to dispose of. Washing machines, big sreen TVs.
OK here's a pasture peeve. A neighbor's (not our neighbor)'s fence would 'conveniently' break every year so the incredibly well bred bull from the ranch next door would come in and breed his cows. No tree fell on it, it looked like it was cut. No telling what venereal diseases he caught from those cows. My husband once went to a Texas A&M lecture and the plain speaking professor said Boys, don't buy those 'auction yard hoes'. No telling how many times they've been through the sale.
Hate when other people "thought is was ok " like, to take your trailer or your extention cord or fish your lake, hunt your property etc. What ever happened to walking down the drive and asking? I would give the shirt off my back for someone in need. But when you demand it or take it without asking, you just made me change the way I think of you.

or they think they deserve what you have but don't want to put in the time...
This!!! Bears repeating!!!!!!!
After reading all these stories I once again realize it sure is nice to live in an area with no people. With miles after miles of range land if a cow of yours wanders on to my place it is not a concern because 2 of mine probably wandered on to yours. We all work together to get that sorted out come fall gathering.
It use to be like that. We didn't wait until fall but all our neighbors had each others gate combos and we had theirs. If I called and had some ones bull they would come by or send some one or I would just load it and drop it off in their pens. It was never an issue. Every one worked together or made it right or what ever. A lot of times problem animals just got hauled to the AB and put in their name.

Not now, they will ignore your phone calls until you finally corner them in town two weeks later and put them on on the spot.

The last time we let some one in to get a yearling they roped the wrong animal and hauled one of ours off. The guy said they were working cows on this day and when they got done they would go catch it. No problem, gave him the gate code.

My dad goes back a couple days later and his yearling is still there. He didn't know his own animal and hauled one of ours off. We worked cattle that next week and caught the yearling. We text him and asked of we could just haul it to the auction barn and put it under his name. He was good with it.

A month later the guy wouldnt answer us and hadn't payed us back for our animal he hauled off. Luckily we found some people he was working for that said they were going to take it out of his pay if he didn't get a check to us and he finally forked it over.

No integrity. Every one is always trying to get over on some one else.
It use to be like that. We didn't wait until fall but all our neighbors had each others gate combos and we had theirs. If I called and had some ones bull they would come by or send some one or I would just load it and drop it off in their pens. It was never an issue. Every one worked together or made it right or what ever. A lot of times problem animals just got hauled to the AB and put in their name.

Not now, they will ignore your phone calls until you finally corner them in town two weeks later and put them on on the spot.

The last time we let some one in to get a yearling they roped the wrong animal and hauled one of ours off. The guy said they were working cows on this day and when they got done they would go catch it. No problem, gave him the gate code.

My dad goes back a couple days later and his yearling is still there. He didn't know his own animal and hauled one of ours off. We worked cattle that next week and caught the yearling. We text him and asked of we could just haul it to the auction barn and put it under his name. He was good with it.

A month later the guy wouldnt answer us and hadn't payed us back for our animal he hauled off. Luckily we found some people he was working for that said they were going to take it out of his pay if he didn't get a check to us and he finally forked it over.

No integrity. Every one is always trying to get over on some one else.
Here everyone with cattle do it to make their living. Everyone uses real good bulls. So bulls being bulls if one gets into your pasture it is not a big concern with getting dink calves from someones dink bull. And the range land pastures are big enough and rugged enough that you might not even know he is there. Last year when we gathered the one and done cows we came in with 7 or 8 cows and one real well bred high dollar bull. I think there was 3 or 4 different owners. We sorted them in the corral and phoned people. They came later that day or the next morning and got their cattle. His high dollar bull might have bred our cows. But our cows got on a truck the next day to the plant. I had one pair show up in someone else's gather which was at least 10 miles away. They called and we got her back. And everyone brands their cattle and their are brand inspectors at the sale. Prevents any one from selling your cattle.
It use to be like that. We didn't wait until fall but all our neighbors had each others gate combos and we had theirs. If I called and had some ones bull they would come by or send some one or I would just load it and drop it off in their pens. It was never an issue. Every one worked together or made it right or what ever. A lot of times problem animals just got hauled to the AB and put in their name.

Not now, they will ignore your phone calls until you finally corner them in town two weeks later and put them on on the spot.

The last time we let some one in to get a yearling they roped the wrong animal and hauled one of ours off. The guy said they were working cows on this day and when they got done they would go catch it. No problem, gave him the gate code.

My dad goes back a couple days later and his yearling is still there. He didn't know his own animal and hauled one of ours off. We worked cattle that next week and caught the yearling. We text him and asked of we could just haul it to the auction barn and put it under his name. He was good with it.

A month later the guy wouldnt answer us and hadn't payed us back for our animal he hauled off. Luckily we found some people he was working for that said they were going to take it out of his pay if he didn't get a check to us and he finally forked it over.

No integrity. Every one is always trying to get over on some one else.
It's like people are in the mind set that they are fighting for survival.

My freezer is full and I have my gas tanks full. At the end of the month my bills are all paid. I have invested money.

If people are scamming their neighbors because they aren't doing well, then maybe they might want to look to what they are doing wrong. I've never seen a paycheck where I couldn't save something if I tried.

Glad you got paid. That was nice of you to haul the animal for him despite him taking the wrong animal.