Horse question

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2020
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East Texas
We have 3 horse and have them on 50 acres. They never have to eat hay as there is plenty of grass during summer and plenty of winter grass during winter. My wife thinks she has 1 that is obese and has what she calls a crusty neck. She is worried about it. Has anyone had issues with a horse having eating natural grass year around?
We have a quarter pony mare, that I noticed the oth night is getting a little crested neck. They get grass until it runs out in the fall then alfalfa orchid grass mix. The easiest fix is more exercise.
They can get fat with unlimited feed like that. A horse is really designed to eat a lot of low quality forage so good grass can be a problem. Exercising to get the weight down will help but you may have to look at some way to limit the feed. Just like people some horses handle the weight ok within reason and some can get some pretty serious health problems.
We have 3 horse and have them on 50 acres. They never have to eat hay as there is plenty of grass during summer and plenty of winter grass during winter. My wife thinks she has 1 that is obese and has what she calls a crusty neck. She is worried about it. Has anyone had issues with a horse having eating natural grass year around?
Trade horses with the native horses around here that have nothing to eat but snowballs and lichen, and are packed with ticks
This poor girl was a "wild" horse that was weak enough I could just walk up to her and halter her... i'd hate to see her condition under her pretty decent winter coat
Trade horses with the native horses around here that have nothing to eat but snowballs and lichen, and are packed with ticks
This poor girl was a "wild" horse that was weak enough I could just walk up to her and halter her... i'd hate to see her condition under her pretty decent winter coat
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I hope you took her home with you. She has kind eyes.
I haven't got time at the moment to run down articles, but do a 'net search on insulin resistance/metabolic synddrome and C3 and C4 grasses. Seems like there was some good stuff, some time back on