Winter storm

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Cold, for here anyway. Just about 11 deg now on our porch. No snow today but yesterday we woke to a ground cover from overnight. Then melted by 10am.

Pasture is finally frozen! Yay....

Oh, and the kids are off today. They called it on Friday last week.
It's currently 13 here with a windchill of 9, we're about to go and see if we can tree some squirrels. I'm really second guessing my judgement but then again, I've been in a boat headed to a duck hole at 3 in the morning in this kind of weather before, at least we will be walking so that should generate some heat. If we ain't treeing some squirrels pretty quick we'll probably call it quits. Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike this northern weather showing up down here. I'd rather kill a copperhead with a flip flop than deal with this cold. Between being cold and it getting dark at 5:30, I really start looking forward to spring by this time of year.
Treed 3 squirrels, one in a hole, one timbered and shot one. Good exercise and good training for my pup anyway. The dog doing the treeing belongs to a friend of mine.
If it's anything like Arkansas, the day has to be made up so not really a day off.

No they put extra days in the schools calender because we have snow days every year.

Teachers have no say in if it's a snow day for the kids. It's up to the road commission, and with the snow falling at the current rate they are struggling to keep up with side roads. Some have them have 1-4' drifts and if a bus full of kids were to get stuck in one it would be bad news.

I'm struggling to make my way across the field to find cows, between the deep snow and near white out visibility its tough navigating thru an open field.
Growing up in Northwest Colorado I only remember them closing school because of weather once, and that only the high school because they had a broken sewer line. I don't remember it really being all that cold that day, as I walked to 10 blocks to school. I hung around with a couple friends for a bit before I made the walk back home. One year after I graduated from high school Maybell Colorado had a low of -61; they may have closed school then I don't really remember. Maybell is about 30 miles west of Craig, and everyone in high school had to ride the bus to Craig.
@coachg , @alacowman1 , what is your weather like this morning? It had drizzled rain all day Friday- Sunday here, with temps hovering in the 30's. When it got daylight this morning, there isn't a cloud in the sky, but the temp is 15 degrees! Weatherman says it is going to be a couple of days before it gets above freezing, but no snow in sight. What is crazy, is down in middle and south Ga, they gonna get snow! 1-3 inches down on the kudzu place. @Mountaintown Creek Ranch , what is it like over there?
Sunny and cold..maybe 28 degrees..hopefully the snow will stay below us ..
10 degrees with clear sky's and a cold wind 6-8 mph. Put out hay for all 3 cow herds . Tried to unroll a bale for the groups with young calves. Had a 2 day old dead out of my son's best cow. Not sure if stepped on or cold related.
We are not in the predicted snow for Tuesday/ Wednesday. Strange but it's predicted for south Alabama and the Florida panhandle but not north of Birmingham
We are not in the predicted snow for Tuesday/ Wednesday. Strange but it's predicted for south Alabama and the Florida panhandle but not north of Birmingham
Same here! Looks like the snow will be below a line from Columbus to Macon. Except for the blizzard of 93, we might get 1 or 2 snow days a year up here, and some years we get none. We bought the Kudzu Place in 79, and I can't recall more than 1 or 2 snows down there since then, but Scott says they are talking about 3 inches down there! We need a little global warming down there!
Here's today's driving. Snow covered and drifted roads. Visibility often times isn't much past the hood.

Dam that's serious. Like the fog been around here in the mornings.

Y'all hit a lot of deer up there during the winter months? I usually see them all over the roads here during the last couple months of the year. Not so this year.
We don't really have deer in the winter. There's no accessible food so they migrate to "deer yards" that are 30-60 miles inland. Deer yards are typically large cedar/spruce swamps that have less snow and some food sources. Now if you go to those areas you best be careful as the deer don't get out of the way.
@coachg , @alacowman1 , what is your weather like this morning? It had drizzled rain all day Friday- Sunday here, with temps hovering in the 30's. When it got daylight this morning, there isn't a cloud in the sky, but the temp is 15 degrees! Weatherman says it is going to be a couple of days before it gets above freezing, but no snow in sight. What is crazy, is down in middle and south Ga, they gonna get snow! 1-3 inches down on the kudzu place. @Mountaintown Creek Ranch , what is it like over there?
10 degree this morning. Finally got rid of ice after 8 days. Tomorrow supposed to be 6 degrees
-23 F as I get up this morning with a -40 wind chill. I see the wind is swinging to me south so we won't see that number again for awhile thank goodness.

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