Will the real Warren Allison…

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"That's" what they all say. It's kinda like a fart.
He who 1st smelt it, dealt it.

Yall might be surprised who thinks all ratethis mischief is 'ok' and just good fun.... and who does not.
I wouldn't know how to create multiple accounts and even if I did, I would never in a million years be able to keep them all straight…lol
Any thoughts on which new members are Warren?
Not sure. I wasn't worried about it because I thought he was going to lay low. I was trying to give the man a new opportunity to be normal but apparently he is unable.

I need to get all his old posts on her from when he was a horse man and didn't even own a cow. He would tell us all how he doesn't even get off his horse when he goes to help people. I remember explaining to him what an F1 Braford was and when he would tag me and CB in Brahman related questions. Then, every time he tells people he has been raising cattle for the last 30 years I can refer them to here to see for themselves.
I really don't care about all this. I muted him several years ago. His clones are pretty easy to spot and ignore.
Gotta wonder if you are really the cattle buyer/order filler you claim to be. (Among other things.)

Well, I wouldn't wonder about it too awful much if I was you, Travlr. I doubt you are going to be needing someone to help you buy or sell cattle anytime soon. and even if you were, I for sure wouldn't want to fool with you anyhow. So let not your mind be troubled.

Just be the man you want everyone to think you are, Warren. Starting with being honest. Then there won't be any problem.

Sorry Warren, but you bring this on yourself. If you want to blame the people that found you out, and blame them, I'd suggest you might want to consider the values in a Cowboy Philosophy.

Cowboy philosophy is a work ethic and life philosophy that emphasizes values like honesty, integrity, and loyalty. It also includes a commitment to helping others and doing the right thing, even when it's difficult.

This is me trying to help you, even when it's difficult.
Sorry Warren, but you bring this on yourself. If you want to blame the people that found you out, and blame them, I'd suggest you might want to consider the values in a Cowboy Philosophy.

Cowboy philosophy is a work ethic and life philosophy that emphasizes values like honesty, integrity, and loyalty. It also includes a commitment to helping others and doing the right thing, even when it's difficult.

This is me trying to help you, even when it's difficult.
Amen Traveler! Without integrity, honesty, and morals, we all fail to be what our ancestors wanted us to become!
Yep, ya can always tell a lot about someone by whether or not they ever post any 1/2 way personal pictures. (No Ouachita, that don't mean we want any nekkid pictures of you!)
I realize that I go a bit overboard sometimes, but I remember when I first joined CT. I found the site while searching info on a crossbow, and came here asking for advice/opinions on the Medi-Dart.
I got the impression that some folks thought I was a fake, even Dun suggested I was somehow affiliated with Medi-Dart and backdoor advertising.
It took a while to be accepted into the "family". While I may always be the black sheep:LOL:, I think some personal stories about my family and place along with pictures has helped to remove doubt as to my intentions here.
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