Wierd Wierd Winter

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2004
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Northeast Montana
I don't know what to think of this weather... Be happy or sad...This morning was beautiful sunshine with no wind-near 40 degrees- a beautiful change from our 30 Below stuff.... Then about 2 this afternoon it all of a sudden it started raining :shock: Some areas around us got as much as 1/2 an inch :shock: :shock: :shock: Then the rain turned to huge wet snowflakes which are still coming down- sometimes you couldn't see 50 feet in front of you...Temp is down to 34- and dropping-supposed to get down around 5-10 and its going to be a skating rink in the morning...And now they have a winter storm warning out...


But since this rain- we won't have to worry about any of the snow we have blowing....
Angus Cowman":1pd9lson said:
Heck OT we had tornado watches yesterday and today was nice a lil windy but nice and sloppy from the toad stranglers we had yesterday that is the first good rain we have had since sept.
no range maggots but you have toads -- I bet they eat good
Yesterday it was 69. Had severe thunderstorms in the afternoon and this morning it was 25. It has been going like that for about a month. More rain than we know what to do with, I am going to have to provide snorkels to the cattle if this keeps up.
toad stranglers
Huh?? OK I'll bite, what is this ??? :?

Same here OT it was actually beautiful yesterday, we got to 0 celsius :D .. Now more snow is in the forecast for this week, and tomorrow back in the deep freeze we go ...high of -25 this week and lows of -35 not including wind chill. It is strange weather all over.. You all controlling it KNOCK IT OFF already.. :help: :lol2:

On a side note I tried loading up my standard bred this morn. to lend to a friend of mine so he could haul some kids around in the sleigh,,but that fella was having nothing of it as soon as he saw the trailer and his gear he high tailed it to the back 40.. :lol2: So I am going to have re evaluate how to canoodle this turkey, he hasn't been out since last year and I think he is enjoying his R and R.. :cowboy:
4CTophand":2jlnce1q said:
Angus Cowman":2jlnce1q said:
Heck OT we had tornado watches yesterday and today was nice a lil windy but nice and sloppy from the toad stranglers we had yesterday that is the first good rain we have had since sept.
no range maggots but you have toads -- I bet they eat good
actually frog legs are pretty tasty
hillsdown":n5icrpfe said:
toad stranglers
Huh?? OK I'll bite, what is this ??? :?

Same here OT it was actually beautiful yesterday, we got to 0 celsius :D .. Now more snow is in the forecast for this week, and tomorrow back in the deep freeze we go ...high of -25 this week and lows of -35 not including wind chill. It is strange weather all over.. You all controlling it KNOCK IT OFF already.. :help: :lol2:

On a side note I tried loading up my standard bred this morn. to lend to a friend of mine so he could haul some kids around in the sleigh,,but that fella was having nothing of it as soon as he saw the trailer and his gear he high tailed it to the back 40.. :lol2: So I am going to have re evaluate how to canoodle this turkey, he hasn't been out since last year and I think he is enjoying his R and R.. :cowboy:
Hd it is just an old saying for a downpour,deluge or what ever you want to call a heavy downpour of rain
toad stranglers Huh?? OK I'll bite, what is this ???

A heavy rain putting toads in fear of drowning. Of course in Alberta you guys probably don't have these lovable amphibians.
Dang nap and AC, you beat me to it but I've got it ready to post so I am too.

hillsdown":ukoxs4qh said:
toad stranglers
Huh?? OK I'll bite, what is this ??? :? :

toad /toʊd/ [tohd]

–noun 1. any of various tailless amphibians that are close relatives of the frogs in the order Anura and that typically have dry, warty skin and are terrestrial or semiterrestrial in habit.

stran⋅gle /ˈstræŋgəl/ [strang-guhl]
verb, -gled, -gling.
–verb (used with object)

4. to be choked, stifled, or suffocated.

Southern definition of "toad strangler": Enough rain to drown a frog.
Southern definition of "toad strangler": Enough rain to drown a frog.

No Vett! Not a frog but a toad. Frogs are much too aquatic to let a little rain bother them.
nap":2im993mx said:
Southern definition of "toad strangler": Enough rain to drown a frog.

No Vett! Not a frog but a toad. Frogs are much too aquatic to let a little rain bother them.

I chose "frog" in my definition because toads are more terrestrial. Frogs are more aquatic so a frog should be harder to drown therefore embellishing the drowning effect of the downpour. :help: :)
Angus Cowman":23x1tetc said:
hillsdown":23x1tetc said:
Thanks everyone.. :D I am sure I would have gotten it by next year :p ,,had I put on my thinking cap.. :nod:
we understand HD you have brain freeze from all that cold weather :lol: :lol:

Hey, thanks AC. I was thinking of a good excuse for stupid <as I have read Dun say countless times there is no excuse for it> But. this one sounds good, might just even get away with it.. :clap: :tiphat:
Now the Weather Boys have a winter storm warning out- and near blizzard conditions with up to a foot of snow and up to 40 mph wind will move in this afternoon- and stay the next couple days ... :shock:

Rain yesterday- 0 temps last night- and now a blizzard.....Well at least we don't get hurricanes :roll:
We seem to be finally getting a normal rain but it is very warm for this time of year. We have probably got 6" in the last several weeks. Temps in the 60's for days isn't what I 'm use to. We had a high of 70 this month.
Well the snow started here about 3PM and its been snowing hard since then...Temp is 18-- wind is howling between 25-30 mph-- and its just plumb nasty....
Took advantage of the weather this afternoon and got out a couple packages of hamburger and venison sausege and cooked up a big pot of Chili... Ready to ride out the storm ;-)
Snowing & blowing quit this morning-- sun came out beautiful- and gave us a sunny calm day....High was about 10 above...Received about 6 inches but it is all in drifts up to 4 foot deep.....

Cows better enjoy it as the next storm is Weds-- than another forcast for Friday :roll: ....

On the sixth day God turned to the Archangel Gabriel and said: 'Today, I am going to create a land called Montana. It will be a land of outstanding Natural beauty; a land of beautiful lakes, each one full of fish. It Shall have tall majestic pines, peacefully flowing rivers, landscapes full of Buffalo, tall grass, and eagles, beautiful blue skies, forests full of bear, elk And moose, rich farmland and fair skinned people.' God continued, 'I Shall make the land rich in resources so as to make the inhabitants prosper and They shall be known as a most friendly people, people who practice being Nice every day.'

But Lord,' asked Gabriel, 'don't you think you are being too Generous to these Montana people?'

'Not really,' replied God 'just wait and see the winters I am going to give them.'


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