I realize that a lot of us seek info on the Net, including this and other message boards about cattle problems. On the other hand, It sorta blows my mind that when something apparently unusual happens to a person's animal (and in some cases the same or similar thing happens a 2nd or 3rd time) the Vet still has not intervened! Vets don't cost that much for a site visit & inspection; however, livestock DO cost. To me, ANY unusual occurrence such as sudden or unexplained death, any illness or condition that doesn't solve itself within a day or two, any blood coming out of the animal's body, any calf that doesn't nurse within 2-3 hours maximum, a cow that doesn't pass the afterbirth on schedule, or a similar thing happening to a neighbor's animal is an URGENT need to contact a Vet for an exam (or post-mortem). Additionally, giving medications in a "shooting from the hip" premise (without first definitely diagnosing the problem specifically), is potentially asking for trouble, frustration and lost present (and possibly future) dollars in one's operation.