Whole milk - & Milk Replacers

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Howdy all, was reading in "my book" and it was suggested to use "whole milk" for the first three days and then start use Milk replacers on a limited basis.

Question - "whole milk" what are they talking about? The same stuff my wife will no longer let me drink?

Alex Fullingim Circle A Ranch Red Bluff, CA
I don't know which book you are referring to, but possibly the suggestion was made to encourage the use of milk straight from the cow to try and help the calf produce antibodies. Of course, colostrum within the first few hours after birth is the ideal.

Don't use processed milk - pasteurized or homogenized - raw milk only.

But, if you are going to bottle feed a calf and don't have access for fresh cow's milk, just use the best quality milk replacer you can buy - one that is based on whole milk, not soy. Make sure the calf receives colostrum, then you can go straight to the milk replacer and keep the calf on it until weaning.

> Howdy all, was reading in "my
> book" and it was suggested to
> use "whole milk" for the
> first three days and then start
> use Milk replacers on a limited
> basis.

> Question - "whole milk"
> what are they talking about? The
> same stuff my wife will no longer
> let me drink?

> Alex Fullingim Circle A Ranch Red
> Bluff, CA

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