White spots

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
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Round Top, Texas
My sorrel gelding has developed white spots in his hair, just randomly over his body. They are about dime-sized or smaller, and look like he was splattered with bleach. There are no sores at all--the hair has just turned white.

What's going on here, and what do I need to do about it?

Is this a horse you have recently purchased? How old is your horse? Healed saddle sores is the first thing that comes to mind, but some horses have been known to change color as they mature. Are they located around his withers, in the cinch area, or other places that a saddle is more likely to rub, or over his entire body? Something about a saddle rubbing sores destroys the pigmentation in the hair, causing the hair to come in white when the sore finally heals. To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing that you can do to cause pigmentation to return to those areas.
My palamino has them to around her lower neck. Heres some pictures i took. Do they look like yours??




Yes, they are just like the spots on your palamino. He is 17 years old and I've had him for about 2 years. There was a white spot about the size of your hand on his withers when I got him, and two white socks on his hind legs, but no other white. These spots began showing up in the last week or so. There never were any sores of any kind--just suddenly spots. He has them pretty much all over his body-neck, ribs, shoulders, hips, etc., with no particular pattern that I can see. Probably 10 or 12 all together. Just hope it's nothing serious.

Thank you both for your help.

I believe that your horse may have Bird Catcher spots. They are random white spots that just appear. I had an aged chestnut grade TW gelding who shedded out one Spring with the spots over his neck, back and rump. He looked like he decided to become and Appaloosa. The spots disappeared later in the summer. It sort of freaks you out when it happens. You don't know what is going on.

Here is a link that has pictures and description.

So it doesnt matter how old the horses are? Because my horse is only 4. and she started with them on her neck, now they are going down her side. And will they always go away?

Yep. That pic of Neverland Tiger Lily looks exactly right. About the same in numbers and location as what we're dealing with.

Glad it's nothing to worry about. Hope they go away. If not, a little shoe polish will do a world of good. :D

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