Thank you everyone for the experiences you shared here. Very valuable information when anyone is spending 30 pounds of feed a day per head on feed. I think the moral of the story here is, no one is spending even more money on adding a % of more fats when when 3% is getting it done anyway.
Yesterday, I checked and filled my auto-feeder and calibrated it, those steers were eating about 34# a day when I was actually at 8 feedings a day, wow, no digestive issues. They seem a little lethargic (may be it was heat of the day, not sure but one was pooing liquid). So I am back to 7 times to get them 28-to-31 pounds a day. Still stuck on using that 1/2 Sweet Treat with 10% protein, 40-50% total sugar/starch, don't let the name fool you, its not too sticky sweet. Right now today, its too late to change it much with the harvest date on Monday for one of them.. and I put the other 1/2 as cracked corn (50-50 sweet treat and crack corn). My fats are still may be 3.5%. I will reduce soon down to 3 steers on feed and have some time to change up the diet based on y'alls advice , and thank you again.
I got an appointment with the processor Monday so we shall see soon. I am attaching some pics here of what I think the fattest one is. They are all 18-19 months old. Y'all can guess if its Select, Choice or Prime or A5 and higher . I will post the marbling when i have it in a few weeks
Yesterday, I checked and filled my auto-feeder and calibrated it, those steers were eating about 34# a day when I was actually at 8 feedings a day, wow, no digestive issues. They seem a little lethargic (may be it was heat of the day, not sure but one was pooing liquid). So I am back to 7 times to get them 28-to-31 pounds a day. Still stuck on using that 1/2 Sweet Treat with 10% protein, 40-50% total sugar/starch, don't let the name fool you, its not too sticky sweet. Right now today, its too late to change it much with the harvest date on Monday for one of them.. and I put the other 1/2 as cracked corn (50-50 sweet treat and crack corn). My fats are still may be 3.5%. I will reduce soon down to 3 steers on feed and have some time to change up the diet based on y'alls advice , and thank you again.
I got an appointment with the processor Monday so we shall see soon. I am attaching some pics here of what I think the fattest one is. They are all 18-19 months old. Y'all can guess if its Select, Choice or Prime or A5 and higher . I will post the marbling when i have it in a few weeks