Live and learn. I will be talking to more to the farmer I purchased the hay from and may arrange for some more next year if the cows appear to be doing good. After talking to him a may send a sample off for analysis and see how it compares.
> We fed wheat hay exclusively the
> past 3 months. If it doesn;t have
> a high nitrate level there isn;t
> anything wrong with it. The
> protein will be a little low, but
> for some reason it seems like the
> TDN is pretty high. We've stuck a
> 14% saupplement tub out for the
> girls, and they've eaten some but
> not much. They have all calved and
> have enough milk, the yearlings
> didn't grow as well as we would
> have liked, but that will be taken
> care of by compensatory gain (we
> hope) now that that they are going
> out to top quality pasture. You
> will have a nice crop of volunteer
> wheat pop up, nothing wrong with
> it, as a mtter of fact it may
> supply you with some unexected
> late fall and very early spring
> feed before it goes to seed next
> year if it is winter wheat.
> dun
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