the best way i know to put it is... your bull can be the cheapest animal you buy or the most expensive... and it is a paradox... this bull will be a very expensive bull for you because you will not get quality calves to resell... thus less return in $$$
even if you give $1500 for a good bull, he would be cheap in comparision, due to his calves bringing much more $$ each at the sale barn...
what you want, IMO, is bull power.... and even on less than desirable cows, you still have a marketable calf...
i am no expert, but imo this is the best route... but each one of us has to make up our own minds on this and do what is best in our situations... good luck.
just my 2 cents
> I bought this baby bull at the
> auction ring this past summer. I'm
> sure he is not pure bred. Does
> anyone have an idea of what kind
> it is or how good he is for a
> mixed breed small herd. You can
> see 4 pictures at the site below.
> Thanks
> <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>
[email protected]