hi there, i have freshened out several heifers over the years and there are 2 breeds that will be very good for freshening out the heifers. keep in mind that the number one goal is to have a live calf and a live fresh heifer.
the two breeds are the angus and the longhorn. the longhorns are more lively and smaller at birth so there is essentially no calving problems and if you are not going to be there to baby sit the heifers then this would work fine. the negative part is that the calf will be worth considerably less than the angus. the angus is the best bull to breed heifers to and with black calves selling for 1.40 -1.50 per pounds for a 350 lb calf (which is what you will want to sell the calf at to let the heifer grow and mature) it is hard to go wrong with the angus. all other breeds such as limousin and gelbveigh and brangus throw occasional big calves so there is a risk. good luck.
> Hi, looking for advice on what
> breed to service 1 st calf
> heifers.. Lots say use an Angus
> Bull,because of a smaller head
> diameter,at birth, others say that
> breeds such as Beefmaster are
> better because they don't ride the
> cow so hard, I'm going to buy a
> bull soon and need some sound
> advice! Thanks, P.C.
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