> Sorry if I've stepped on any toes
> here. I was approached by the
> people running this site and asked
> to post a morning, midday and
> closing comment each day. They
> also offered to allow me to post a
> link to my site. No strings
> attached. I think it can be
> important to post three times a
> day as the markets do change
> throughout the day. I don't do the
> hard sell thing, so there is no
> need to worry about getting sold
> on anything. I try to do
> everything above board and
> cleanly. I agreed to post the
> daily comments with the folks that
> run this board, so if anyone has
> any problems with it, then maybe
> drop them a line. I'll gladly try
> to work things out to keep
> everyone happy. The other thing,
> which I think is very simple, is
> that folks visiting here can just
> scroll right past anything that I
> post if they aren't interested.
I appreciate your prompt response and I intended no offense. I simply stated my opinion and hopefully opened the door for others to speak out. I have always viewed these boards as being an avenue for beef producers to discuss the day to day problems on the farm or ranch. Of course I am interested in the marketing of the end product but I feel that marketing informatin is best covered in print media. I am of the opinion that market reports are as far removed from the day to day operation as is the discussion of the price and availability of the next truck I need to buy. As I stated in my first message, these are just my opinions and if I am in the minority, I will back of and let the others enjoy your market reports. I must say that "Cattle Today" should know their readership better than I do. I am only going by what I have read in the various messages on the boards, and I do not recall many if any messages from feed yards. I sell my calves when they are ready and the relationship between the prices you quote in your report and the price I get from the local sale barn are so far removed in time that there is little if any coorelation. Your information would be extremely useful to the feed lot operator, but he has already paid me what he wants to pay for my calves. If my initial response offended any one, I am sorry. I have had my say and I will wait to hear what others have to say. If I am in the minority, I will remain silent except to thank you for providing a service for others.
Mack Powers
[email protected]