V the V is 100% on with the advice to seek out a good local vet. He/she (or if in California/ it, best knows your local conditions. You never know who will respond to an inquiry via the internet. It could be just some yahoo like me that's been doing it for years and don't know the latest stuff. (I'm too old to change much), or a Vet like V the V that really knows her business.
dunmovin farms
> Depends on what you want. There
> are sites where you can pay for
> membership to get generic
> advice....there are university
> sites where you can get answers on
> diseases you know the name of; you
> can post questions on sites such
> as this one and can get answers...
> or you can develop a relationship
> with a veterinarian who knows your
> herd and get the best advice of
> all! If you have a specific
> question, ask and if I have an
> answer, I'll try to answer! V