Wean them! Sometimes a cow will wean the calf on her own, but not as often as I would like. The calves nursing up until close to calving can affect the quantity and quality of cholosterum avaiable to the new calf. I have seen calves a couple of years old still nursing whenever they get a chance and the little ones almost starving. By wening them now you not only insure a good supply of cholosterum for the newborn but it allows the cow to get in better body condition to undergo the rigors of raising another calf. If the cow looses too much condition it can slow down her return to estrus after calving and/or her ability to settle when bred next year.
dunmovin farms
> I have two calves that are now
> approaching 8 months old. Both of
> their mothers have been bred. Do I
> need to bother weaning our leave
> it to the cows to do naturally?
> Will it affect the next generation
> in any way?