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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
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Pisgah, Alabama
Caught 11 and moved all but 1 to the corral at the main farm . Had it by myself and a board broke in the chute leading to the trailer . Thankfully only one got out before I patched it and finished the job . These will go with the bigger group we moved last week that hid out for 3 days after moving. These are mostly baldie calves out of my son's Hereford cows . Rain and thunderstorms for tomorrow so I'll wait till Thursday to get the escapee. 🤠 Do you find you can catch calves by yourself easier than with 3-4 people ? Without the board breaking it would have been a perfect catch and haul !
Caught 11 and moved all but 1 to the corral at the main farm . Had it by myself and a board broke in the chute leading to the trailer . Thankfully only one got out before I patched it and finished the job . These will go with the bigger group we moved last week that hid out for 3 days after moving. These are mostly baldie calves out of my son's Hereford cows . Rain and thunderstorms for tomorrow so I'll wait till Thursday to get the escapee. 🤠 Do you find you can catch calves by yourself easier than with 3-4 people ? Without the board breaking it would have been a perfect catch and haul !
You about to carry them to a sale? Which one?
Do you find you can catch calves by yourself easier than with 3-4 people ?
Yes, If you spend a lot of time with them as I do, they become very easy to handle. Other people just raise the alarm level a few notches. They trust me and they know my dogs are safe for them to be around. Another thing I have noticed, if you load and haul them once, they will load much easier the second time. They seem to remember the trailer ride is not such a bad thing.
You about to carry them to a sale? Which one?
No sir , Andrew my son , wants to add some pounds on them . We have vaccinated both groups and wormed them . First group was implanted and vaccinated again . These 10/11 will be worked again before they are added to the first group . He wants to feed 60 days at least . Hard to not sale now with the prices but I'm letting him make the call .
Caught 11 and moved all but 1 to the corral at the main farm . Had it by myself and a board broke in the chute leading to the trailer . Thankfully only one got out before I patched it and finished the job . These will go with the bigger group we moved last week that hid out for 3 days after moving. These are mostly baldie calves out of my son's Hereford cows . Rain and thunderstorms for tomorrow so I'll wait till Thursday to get the escapee. 🤠 Do you find you can catch calves by yourself easier than with 3-4 people ? Without the board breaking it would have been a perfect catch and haul !
Stranger danger, way faster by myself. But I've needed a hand before.
With my manual head gate on the chute it isn't easy to do it alone. I have done it but it ain't easy. But with B and maybe one of his hired men we can really go through the cattle. Of course there is a big difference between low experience help and people who have been do it full time for a living all their life.
If you are not set up to work alone it's near impossible. My brother and I just bought a little set of portable pens. $3K was 2 slides and a sorting cage. A panel with 4' gate by the end of the chute was another $500. It was quite a bit of money but they are essential to being able to work by yourself, safely.

You can't hardly get an animal out if my dad's stuff by yourself. It's just a crap shoot or you have to get in the chute with them, which is not the safest by yourself, either.
Caught 11 and moved all but 1 to the corral at the main farm . Had it by myself and a board broke in the chute leading to the trailer . Thankfully only one got out before I patched it and finished the job . These will go with the bigger group we moved last week that hid out for 3 days after moving. These are mostly baldie calves out of my son's Hereford cows . Rain and thunderstorms for tomorrow so I'll wait till Thursday to get the escapee. 🤠 Do you find you can catch calves by yourself easier than with 3-4 people ? Without the board breaking it would have been a perfect catch and haul !
I know our cattle worked better when there were only enough for my wife and I to work. I absolutely will not tolerate a cow breaking back once I start her in a direction. Our employees seem to not care or not realize they just make cattle harder to work the next time.
I know our cattle worked better when there were only enough for my wife and I to work. I absolutely will not tolerate a cow breaking back once I start her in a direction. Our employees seem to not care or not realize they just make cattle harder to work the next time.
That's why I do the long chutes and sorting cages with slides. If I need to load 1 and she is balled up with 5, once I start them going they are all going. They don't get to go back once in the alley or chute and come back. They all go in the chute and sit. I'll work the slides and cut the other 4 to the pasture, the 1 gets cut to the trailer.

If they are constantly worked like that, it makes all the difference. When I want to rest of the herd out, I put the cut to the pasture, open the slides, and start them to the chute. Make them go to the trailer and cut to the pasture right before it. They will all just walk single file through the pens, down the loading chute, and out. They don't ever just get turned out the big gate they came in.
That's why I do the long chutes and sorting cages with slides. If I need to load 1 and she is balled up with 5, once I start them going they are all going. They don't get to go back once in the alley or chute and come back. They all go in the chute and sit. I'll work the slides and cut the other 4 to the pasture, the 1 gets cut to the trailer.

If they are constantly worked like that, it makes all the difference. When I want to rest of the herd out, I put the cut to the pasture, open the slides, and start them to the chute. Make them go to the trailer and cut to the pasture right before it. They will all just walk single file through the pens, down the loading chute, and out. They don't ever just get turned out the big gate they came in.
I'd like to see a picture or 2 of that setup , please sir ?