Wart-like growths on cattle

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A couple of my brangus heifers have several gray colored, raised growths on their head or behind their ears. They look something like a wort varying in size from that of a match head up to quarter size. Should I be concerned about it?

[email protected]
They most likely are warts. You can cut them out, treat them or just ignore them. They'll go away by themselves in a while

dunmovin farms

> A couple of my brangus heifers
> have several gray colored, raised
> growths on their head or behind
> their ears. They look something
> like a wort varying in size from
> that of a match head up to quarter
> size. Should I be concerned about
> it?
> I have the same problem with a group of cattle I'm feeding.They are nothing to be concerned about they will go away in 2-4 weeks.I have had chronic warts on cattle before where the whole body becomes covered. Warts are contagious and will spread just keep a close watch.

[email protected]

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