I think there are more than you might think. Sure the masses who shop at Wallyworld don't give a flip because price is all they care about. But most grocers I know have standing orders for choice or better and their suppliers have to fill these orders or lose their business and I don't think you are going to fill these orders with grass finished animals from Argentina. True, Walmart may jump on this but this might lower their meat quality and they might lose their market share - assuming of course the south american beef is that much worse than ours. What's bad is some special interest groups have sold the public the idea that grass finished animals are somehow more healthy. More environmentally friendly and all that nonsense. Sure, the less fat you consume the better but also the less fat a steak has the less tender and less flavorful. It seems this is coming back to haunt them because why on earth would you spend $12/lb for grass fed beef when you can buy it for $4-$5 now.
I still believe quality will always sell but if you think there is something sinister in all this then I think you may want to mark my words that they will have to convince everyone our grading system is somehow flawed and marbling has nothing to do with dining pleasure. To do this, they will have to change our grading system and I'll be willing to bet they are working on this at this very moment and you will hear talk of this within the next few years. And when you do, maybe you'll remember this post and say, that guy wasn't crazy after all.
If you truly wanted to do something for the american producer the best thing would be to do away with the Wholesome Meat Act and deregulate the meat processing industry. This would allow for unencumbered trade of local beef from field to table without the regulations that only protect the big boys in the meat industry. Just imagine what you could do with the savings you could pocket by not having 1000-2000 miles of freight in a pound of beef. The jobs it would create. Not to mention the smaller carbon footprint. :lol2: