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"AnybodyButBush.....unless you need the gov't to tell you how to live you life"

Vote democrat if you like giving away half of your paycheck to someone with 15 kids and no job!!
at least I'll have a paycheck to give away! and you can bet that paycheck has been dwindling the past 4 yrs, and will in the future as we pay off this debt we are obtaining! While I support the war effort, I would also like to have an income to help pay for it.
my savings business grew when Clinton was in office, and my paychecks grew right along with it, as did my employees. The last 3 yrs have probably been the slowest since I started the business....and my customers are the same way, not too many of them buying alot of new equipment nowadays, we are just now recovering from the 9/11 hit....companies finally started doing some research and development investing last yr and giving us the o k to make the parts they need.

I have seen more of my competitors close doors / layoff employees in the past 2 yrs than the previous 4 yrs. Your paycheck might have grown, but has your savings grown any? It's not what you make, it's what you are able to keep! Doesn't help any if your paycheck doubles, but inflation triples, I don't recall $2 a gallon gas before this administration. Yes, my paycheck has grown, but what it buys sure hasn't!

I supported Bush in 2000, thought he was the best candidate then, but I never thought he would go overboard and tell me what's right and what's wrong for my family, those are decisions I feel I can make on my own. I don't need the gov't telling me what I can and can't watch or what I can and can't listen too!
9/11 was a very large part of the reason for the economy going south..and I am not blaming anyone...I've been doing this long enough to know that business runs in cycles, thats why I don't go out and celebrate the good times, nor do I worry about the bad times so much anymore. Its not the economy or the war that turned me off of the Bush administration, the first he had very little control over, the latter I think he did the right thing about. It's the fact that he is becoming too involved with my everyday life by messing with my first amendment rights! I don't want to be told what I can read, or what I can hear or what I can watch. I want to make those choices for my family, not forced to because my tolerance differs from the presidents.
eric":1jyfxcjp said:
It's the fact that he is becoming too involved with my everyday life by messing with my first amendment rights! I don't want to be told what I can read, or what I can hear or what I can watch.

it sounds like you're talking about something to elaborate? but on the same note, the demos want to take away your is that not infringing on your amendment rights?
txag":mopty37u said:
eric":mopty37u said:
It's the fact that he is becoming too involved with my everyday life by messing with my first amendment rights! I don't want to be told what I can read, or what I can hear or what I can watch.

it sounds like you're talking about something to elaborate? but on the same note, the demos want to take away your is that not infringing on your amendment rights?


Do you listen to 105.3 FM radio? They've been talking alot about pulling people off the air and censorship.
TxBobcat.....yes, I try to catch Stern every morning, on the way to work. But, ONLY AFTER I have dropped my kids off at school! We listen to that sappy KISS-FM when the kids are in the truck. But that is my choice, and I want to continue to have that choice in the future. I don't want the FCC to tell me what we should be listening to.
As far as the guns go, are they actually trying to bann guns totally, or just making it stricter to obtain them, which I would be for?
Again, I would be willing to give up part of my paycheck in order to save my amendment giving rights!
And man, I woke up in a great mood this morning too!!

Thanks alot D R Cattle!!!....LOL

I am probably the least political and religious preacher on this forum, but you sure wouldnt know it from todays posts!!!
eric":18wvgdbw said:
TxBobcat.....yes, I try to catch Stern every morning, on the way to work. But, ONLY AFTER I have dropped my kids off at school! We listen to that sappy KISS-FM when the kids are in the truck.

I listen to Dorsey in the morning (96.3 KSCS country), but I sometimes toon in Russ Martin on 105.3 in the afternoons. I think they are going after him like Howard Stern. The way I look at it is that if you don't like what is on the radio or tv, then turn the station or walk away. If you have kids, which I have 2, then monitor what they watch and listen to. I know you can't watch them all the time, but you can tell what they are doing other places by what they talk about when they are around you. If I hear something out of line from my daughter, then I ask her where she saw it or heard it and explain to her my views on the subject.
It's not the governments job to raise them.
I'm probably Republican. At one time was Democrat. Not sure if either party is the best. That aside...

Some thoughts...let's vote for WHO (and their influence on Congress) that will:

  • 1. Preserve our First and SECOND amendment rights.
    2. Will NOT take away our guns or the right to bear arms.
    3. Does NOT censor what we read, see, or hear.
    4. Will NOT promote corporate takeovers of rural America and small business.
    5. NOT spend our tax dollars unnecessarily for questionable purposes.
    6. And, more of the same types of thoughts.

    And, God Bless America; AND heaven help the politicians...not sure you can trust any of them!

P.S.: If you don't like what's on TV or Internet, or Radio--that's what the "Off" button is far. And, our kids are probably more aware and have seen more sex and violence on TV, video games, etc., than what some of the parents will admit....too many outside influences we can't monitor or control....
Bill you can monitor and control every outside influence. It's the internal influences you can't control such as greed, cowerdice,lust,hate, and deciet. That's why I think we need to elect politicians that have the guts to control theirself (unlike Bill Clinton) so I am voting for Bush. He is a man that does what he feels is right at the expense of public opinion.
We can't always be with our children every time they turn on the radio or TV. If a person wants filth and perversion that's their right, I just don't want it in my home on my TV. I flipped the channel just in time to see two fags kissing. Sure I turned my head in disgust, but how do you get that sick image out of your head? Where are my rights? Don't I have the right to descent entertainment without being offended before I get the chance to change the channel and What about our right to protect our kids from that kind of filth. Just where do we draw the line?
Eric, how in the heck can Bush cause the price of gas to go to $2 as you implied? OPEC dictates how much oil they are going to pump and therefore causes oil prices to go up or down. The president doesn't control it. Also, no one person has control of the entire economy, and with the cards he's dealt with, Bush has done better than most if not all, and most certainly better than Gore could have done.
Why didn't we have this problem with censorship in the 1950's? Because our country had better morals back then and wouldn't allow it on the t.v. or radio. As the rate they are going, the envelop keeps getting pushed more and more. Is there ever going to be an end? No body can watch their kids 100% of the time unless they have got them locked up in their house. They are going to see and hear things that you (or at least a normal parent) wouldn't want them exposed to. You can only hope then that what you taught them sticks with them. This administration is doing something good, not only for today's youth, but when they are grown and have kids themselves. And that is another thing, they can only have kids if there is a man and a women involved. But I guess we can let the gays and queers marry, let smut and porn on t.v. for the kids to watch after school, and just let the country go to shambles.

God Bless America and Bush!
The deal is.......................
If you are a Republican or a democrat, VOTE.
The strength of this nation requires that hte people participate in the elctoral process.
Voting is your responsibility and and your DUTY.
Even if you have to "hold your nose and pull the lever" you must vote.
It's trite but true that if you aren;t part of the solution you are part of the problem. Get educated on the candidates and issues and make your voice heard, even if it is mixed with millions of others.
Yes, I get upset when unprincipled (clinton), immoral (clinton), inept (carter) people get elected, but I have cast my vote and have done what I can and must do to elect those that I feel are the proper leaders and/or representaive for that time from the choices available.
If you don't do your duty you have no right to complain.
