The Angus Assn. recognizes Class I and Class II defects. If an animal has a class I defect, its registation is pulled and after official publication of the fact the animal carries a Class I defect, no calves can be registered by that bull. Any calves already registered will be identified as carriers of the genetic defect. The red gene is considered a Class II defect. Since red animals can't be registered with the American Angus Association, they identify red carriers that have been reported to the Association. But being red doesn't affect growth or fertility and registration is not pulled on those animals. But their pedigrees are marked as red carriers. Here's a link:
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>
> I Believe that the requirements
> for Cattle to be reg. as Black
> Angus , they can not have red
> calves...If they do the animal in
> question is not allow to be Reg.
> as Black Angus.. I believe this is
> the way it is ,If some knows ,
> please reply...alf
[email protected]