1. You cant explain how to clip a heifer on a keyboard. Impossible.
2. LOG on to and order some Kirk Stierwalt DVD's.
3. Look up Stierwalt Show Cattle Clinics on under listings by state(oklahoma) and see if he has a clinic coming up in your area. IF SO, Go to it.
- Practice, Practice, Practice. The more you clip the better you'll be.
- Patience. No need to rush the clipping. If you rush, then the odds of the animal acting up increase.
- Know your animal. The purpose of clipping the animal is to make it look its best.
- You can always take more hair off, but can't add it back. Be careful.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions and watch people that have been at it awhile.
- The cleaner the animal the better. It's easier to clip the animal and your blades will last longer.
Not specific, how-to tips, but I feel they are very important to a quality hair cutting experience.
snider and ryan said it best. you can't tell how to clip over the keyboard but i've tried to before. lol but i can tell you what clippers do the best and blades. and everythign i'm fixing to type came out of kirk stierwalts mouth from his clincs i've been to.
-head, tail, brisket, butt shading- t-84, medium blending, flat head horse clippers
-rest of body- x-block, super blocking, opti blocking
-neck- 5/8 or any blending blade!!
The American Angus association has a real nice video that some of our neighbors kids got that goes over washing, clipping, showing and general show preparation. I think you can buy it.
i ve never heard of chuck mccullough. kirk stierwalt is the best and he has a great way of breaking everything down and he marks everything off in chalk so you can really see what he's talking about