Update on the failed AI British White cow: After contemplating everything (we couldn't get her to the bull 'til June, she gained weight on air, huge, 2 years of failed AI, the vet couldn't even lift her uterus when he checked her), we decided to finally cut our losses. We sent her to the butcher Monday. Sigh. We'll start over with a better fit and approach it differently so we don't repeat the problem.
She had a hanging weight of 1,314, which meant she was about 1,700–1,800 lbs. live weight. For comparison's sake, the 16-month old Angus heifer we took in with her had a hanging weight of 714.
We're keeping the steaks and brisket, and the rest hamburger. I'm very curious on the flavor and marbling, as she certainly didn't exercise much, but ate plenty of high quality hay/pasture and had corn in her background. We'll know next week. I bet the T-bones will be huge.
Thanks for your input, everyone!!