Think she will make milk?

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Okay, after all this time, I am going to get nosy.... WHY in the world would you want to find Bessie a new home????? I know that baby calves are high... but for pete's sake.... that cow has earned the right to be treated like a princess...
How far are you from me? Maybe @kenny thomas is headed in that direction and we can meet somewhere... or any one else out that way headed east/northeast????
I have been looking for a good nurse cow...since I lost mine last year....
If @Warren Allison isn't going to get her, maybe we can figure out a way to get her up here....
I'm certainly hoping for the best. And I hope things change to where I'm able to do what needs done.

@Warren Allison
@Travlr it's a bit of work no doubt. But not all that difficult as long as I'm living there. The cats out of the bag now. Like I said, I hope things work out where I'm able to keep them. Not just keep them as a regular cow. They both really shine with a little effort. They're both raising two on grass. If pushed with feed they will raise more, but I've gotten lazy! 🤣 I'm certain I could've got this heifer going if I was staying there. She was already broke to a bottle and sometimes that makes things a bit different. She was having no part of dodging her half hearted kicks. Acted like she didn't even have a clue what a mama cow was! 🙄

It's all good for now tho. Got a friend gonna take the bottle heifer. They've been wanting another for a while now. It'll be a busy weekend for me. Gotta pick up my 5 discount calves and haul em to the new lease place, another sale Saturday and get this sweet lil heifer baby to her new home.
Okay, after all this time, I am going to get nosy.... WHY in the world would you want to find Bessie a new home????? I know that baby calves are high... but for pete's sake.... that cow has earned the right to be treated like a princess...
How far are you from me? Maybe @kenny thomas is headed in that direction and we can meet somewhere... or any one else out that way headed east/northeast????
I have been looking for a good nurse cow...since I lost mine last year....
If @Warren Allison isn't going to get her, maybe we can figure out a way to get her up here....
Yep. If I get her, she will live out her life in the pasture with Gail. And we will bury her beside Gail , )or vice versa). when it is time. Man. I would sure enough be set up then. With those 2 in the pasture, all I'd have to do is get an orphan or bottle calf, open the gate and turn it loose in there, and one of them two would come get it! LOL I will let Bessie have a 1/2 Brahma heifer each year, just like Gail. But if you want her, Jan, you go ahead. She'd probably have an even better home with you anyhow. But I will take 2nd place behind you, if you don't get her.
I'm certainly hoping for the best. And I hope things change to where I'm able to do what needs done.

@Warren Allison
@Travlr it's a bit of work no doubt. But not all that difficult as long as I'm living there. The cats out of the bag now. Like I said, I hope things work out where I'm able to keep them. Not just keep them as a regular cow. They both really shine with a little effort. They're both raising two on grass. If pushed with feed they will raise more, but I've gotten lazy! 🤣 I'm certain I could've got this heifer going if I was staying there. She was already broke to a bottle and sometimes that makes things a bit different. She was having no part of dodging her half hearted kicks. Acted like she didn't even have a clue what a mama cow was! 🙄

It's all good for now tho. Got a friend gonna take the bottle heifer. They've been wanting another for a while now. It'll be a busy weekend for me. Gotta pick up my 5 discount calves and haul em to the new lease place, another sale Saturday and get this sweet lil heifer baby to her new home.
I hope things work out for you, @MurraysMutts . At least you know if things don't, you got 2 places they can go to and be well taken care of.
@MurraysMutts .... sorry for your situation... should've minded my own business... I couldn't see any scenario that you would be letting her go, a change in your life like that didn't even cross my mind. PM me if you want... but yeah, let them finish out these calves and I am hoping they will be bred back..... and we can go from there. I would be interested in both of them if it comes to that... If I were to make a long trip for one, might as well be 2..... and maybe you can get things worked around to your satisfaction.
Sold Dapples 2 heifers today!

The black purchased heifer weighed 505lbs and brought $1247

Her born heifer that looked just like her, weighed 465lbs and brought $1093

I guess there is money to be made on $500 baby calves after all....

Edited to add. Just checked. I gave 400 dollars for the black heifer
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The black heifer I bought for Bessie at $475 brought $1241 bucks weighed 475lbs

Her own born steer brought $1255 weighed 438lbs

I love my milk cows!

Ordinarily I'd have put one more calf on Bessie and Dapples to finish out the lactation, but it's not to be this year. They are drying up.

My other unweaned calves did about the same! But there was only one each of them. One per cow 😆
Bessie is smoothing right up! No second set of calves this year. Hopefully next year she can go back to work! Hard working girl needs some time off every now and then anyway.
And Dapples looks pretty good too. You can tell she's younger for sure.
I tried a second half lactation calf with her, but lost my working pen area for this type thing. She was not happy about me trying to give her another calf. I'm positive I could've convinced her tho. This cow more than paid for herself with her calf and the 2nd she raised. Both cows raised almost 1000lbs of calf each in about 6 months!
You have had her for what.... 3 - 4 years? The jersey I got at the sale in Nov is doing good. Was in heat so hopefully caught, to the angus bull.... Both calves went on her right in front of me the other day and they are eating grain good so I am very satisfied. She is pushy about wanting her grain when I go in the barn though... but I think she probably never got as "good a treatment" that she is getting now and gets over zealous. I can deal with that.
You have had her for what.... 3 - 4 years? The jersey I got at the sale in Nov is doing good. Was in heat so hopefully caught, to the angus bull.... Both calves went on her right in front of me the other day and they are eating grain good so I am very satisfied. She is pushy about wanting her grain when I go in the barn though... but I think she probably never got as "good a treatment" that she is getting now and gets over zealous. I can deal with that.
Got her in 2021 as a 5 yr old. No real date of birth. Just mouthed as a 5 yr old at the sale.
Where are they going through that hock deep mud? You should see my barnyard. The place is now known as Camp RunAMucka.
The creek. They don't seem to mind, but I hate it. I wasn't gonna give them away when I moved. So they went to the lease place. Might have a friend that'll let me use pens when they calf. Bessie and Dapples.
It's so much better when they raise 2 each
My old cow was using a crossing between pastures that was a hock deep quagmire. She got filthy mud encasing her teats and can cause mastitis. I moved her to a different pasture.

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