The sunny South

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Or our women cuss like they did a stint in the navy . You northern boys couldn't stand the heat and humidity in an Alabama or Georgia summer .
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People in the north do not pretend they like boiled okra.
When I was a kid, I only had brothers to grow up with. When my mom served something we didn't want to eat, she'd tell us "it'll put hair on your chest". What boy doesn't want to grow up like dad and have a manly chest?

Fast forward. My wife and I were having supper with mom and step dad who loves boiled okra with home grown tomatoes mixed in. I notice my mom staring across the table at my 14yo son, while he was staring at a spoonful and had a disgusted look. "It'll put hair on your chest!, she says.
Right then, my daredevil 6yo daughter spit her mouthful across the table. She didn't want hair on her chest.
Or our women cuss like they did a stint in the navy . You northern boys couldn't stand the heat and humidity in an Alabama or Georgia summer .
That is why I stay up here in Wyoming. I had my fill of the south when I was in basic training and my AIT. Fort Jackson South Carolina, and Fort Gordon Georgia. I as there from the end of June to end of November. You can have your humidity.
Don't think I've been to Wyoming, been to Yellowstone and the Little Big Horn/ Montana
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I love fried okra but know no one that eats it boiled
My grandmother and mother fixed a dish where they simmered okra, home canned tomatoes, onion and green bell pepper on top the stove. It was pretty good, some people don't like the texture of okra that way though.
That may be more of an Appalachian way of cooking okra.
We like it fried too.
Most restaurants around here serve fried okra as a side option.
My grandmother and mother fixed a dish where they simmered okra, home canned tomatoes, onion and green bell pepper on top the stove. It was pretty good, some people don't like the texture of okra that way though.
That may be more of an Appalachian way of cooking okra.
We like it fried too.
Most restaurants around here serve fried okra as a side option.
My grandmother made this dish too when she didn't feel like frying it. It's nasty!

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