That was us

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I remember my grandmother addressing letters to friends in town, with the street or P.O. box address, and 'City'. I guess back in those days (the 1960s), if it was local mail, it was hand-sorted and never left the local P.O. except to go out for delivery.
I remember my grandmother addressing letters to friends in town, with the street or P.O. box address, and 'City'. I guess back in those days (the 1960s), if it was local mail, it was hand-sorted and never left the local P.O. except to go out for delivery.
your post brought back some old memories. when I was growing up, mail just had your name and a RR#. since our small town only had 2 rural mailmen, you had RR1 or RR2. no such thing as a 911 address.
I remember my grandmother addressing letters to friends in town, with the street or P.O. box address, and 'City'. I guess back in those days (the 1960s), if it was local mail, it was hand-sorted and never left the local P.O. except to go out for delivery.

Back in the day our local post office had two mailboxes for you to drop outgoing mail in. One for local mail (same zip code), and the other for outgoing mail.
Our mail man pushed the cart and went door to door. Then in the evenings he would walk his dog over parts of his route. Thats local.
Grew up in South Chicago in the 70s-90s, within sight of the Ford plant and NEVER felt that I wasn't safe no matter what time of day or night.
I delivered news papers on my bike for miles, after grade school! Most youngsters can't navigate simple roads without GPS.
Don't even like going back to my old neighborhood.
Quality people, I miss....

Everyone has their own "back then".
Back in the day our local post office had two mailboxes for you to drop outgoing mail in. One for local mail (same zip code), and the other for outgoing mail.
It now, in Texas anyway, takes longer for a letter to go from my mailbox here in Copperas Cove, Coryell County to a business across the county line (3 miles away) and in Killeen Tx (9 miles from my house), than it does for the same letter to go from my house to Little Rock Arkansas.

I would absolutely love for the United States Post Office to go belly for good. Nothing good ever comes in the mail nowadays, my box stays full of either junk mail or mail addressed to someone else and/or a different address.
I have been at this address now for over 2 1/2 years, I am still getting mail from a previous resident, and I have not once, put anything outgoing in my box (I use a drop box near the PO if I want to mail something).
It now, in Texas anyway, takes longer for a letter to go from my mailbox here in Copperas Cove, Coryell County to a business across the county line (3 miles away) and in Killeen Tx (9 miles from my house), than it does for the same letter to go from my house to Little Rock Arkansas.

I would absolutely love for the United States Post Office to go belly for good. Nothing good ever comes in the mail nowadays, my box stays full of either junk mail or mail addressed to someone else and/or a different address.
I have been at this address now for over 2 1/2 years, I am still getting mail from a previous resident, and I have not once, put anything outgoing in my box (I use a drop box near the PO if I want to mail something).
My wife was in banking and she refuses to do anything on line. She's seen some things that make her want to never do any kind of on line financial footprint.
I wouldn't mind if they cut the number of deliveries down. It really doesn't make a lot of sense to me when they could deliver three times a week and even twice. That would surely cut expenses, wouldn't it?
They certainly have dumbed down society. Your basic owners manual told you how to adjust your valves and set your points. Now it tells you not to drink your washer fluid.
most of the people today under 50 don't know where the valves are or what points do. I get guys coming in for a job nd put them in a truck and if they have a flat tire they want to know what wrecker service we use to come out and change a tire
I wouldn't mind if they cut the number of deliveries down. It really doesn't make a lot of sense to me when they could deliver three times a week and even twice. That would surely cut expenses, wouldn't it?

I want their expenses to go UP, so they can no longer afford to operate. Right now, they are being buoyed afloat only by junk mail and the whim of congress, who vote yes, only because of the postal worker's strong union pressure..
most of the people today under 50 don't know where the valves are or what points do. I get guys coming in for a job nd put them in a truck and if they have a flat tire they want to know what wrecker service we use to come out and change a tire
When did they last make a vehicle with ''points''? I sure don't miss keeping points and condenser in the glove compartment to get me home.
Back in the early 90's, while in Fort Myers Florida, we went through Thomas Edison's home. During the tour the guide said that his first lightbulb was still burning. Also of note Henry Ford's home was just across the road.
I'll agree vehicles are lasting longer, and costing exponentially more. While a lot of other things are being built lesser quality to be replaced often.
I want their expenses to go UP, so they can no longer afford to operate. Right now, they are being buoyed afloat only by junk mail and the whim of congress, who vote yes, only because of the postal worker's strong union pressure..
Well I see them as providing value. We still send cards for different events, and we write letters, and we like paper bills. I rail against the junk mail but if it keeps me getting mail it's easy enough to fill the trash can.

There are all kinds of government programs I don't like paying for, but some I like are the ones others don't. You just pay for the ones you like and I'll pay for the ones I like and we'll all be just fine.
a long time ago an old fellow told me 90% of what you worry about aint gonna happen and the other 10% you can't do anything about anyways

That reminded me of the saying that you should never tell people about your problems, because half of them don't care and the other half are glad it's happening to you.
It's human nature to want to see someone who is having more problems than me. In their eyes it places them above the other person. There are times where I will look at my problems and wonder how I am going get past it. Then I look others and realize that my problems small in comparison to others. I still have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and clothes on my back; some have lost everything in a hurricanes in the south, or fires in California. Sometimes we don't know how blessed we truly are.
It's human nature to want to see someone who is having more problems than me. In their eyes it places them above the other person. There are times where I will look at my problems and wonder how I am going get past it. Then I look others and realize that my problems small in comparison to others. I still have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and clothes on my back; some have lost everything in a hurricanes in the south, or fires in California. Sometimes we don't know how blessed we truly are.

Prime reason Jerry Springer was on 20+ years!

Have to sit back and watch the sun set every now and again.
That reminded me of the saying that you should never tell people about your problems, because half of them don't care and the other half are glad it's happening to you.
Nuthin wrong with that!!!!!!
They definitely don't care much at all but are very glad it isn't happening to them. Therefore, you just made their day a little better.

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