> Hi everyone, if you know anything
> about texas longhorn calves such
> as: specific food and water
> requirements, milking
> requirements, immunizations,
> grooming, medical care, or any
> other important information, I
> would be very grateful if you
> could enlighten me. Tanks-Rachelle I give my Longhorns no special treatment. When the calves are born, I give them a shot of Bo-See, selinium (probably spelled wrong)and they get nothing else until weaning. The bull calves will get an injection for tetnus when we steer them. About 2 weeks before weaning, I will start to feed the whole herd a small amount of cracked corn to get the calves use to grain. I then move the calves to the barn or feedlot. The hiefer calves will get a Bangs vacination at this time. They are fed cracked corn and hay for 2 weeks. If everything goes fine, the calves that have been sold are off to thier new homes. The ones that remain are fed for 2 more weeks. I then turn them out in the pasture with the horses. (I am pasture short) A month later I turn them in with the main herd if the bull haas been removed. Hope this helps.
What you vacinate agaist would depend on your area. Check with your Vet for recomendations. THe Longhorns are resistant to many illnesses. As an example, Pink Eye is almost on herd of in Longhorns.
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