Summer annual advise

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
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south jersey
I am new to the forum and new to farming ( 1 year in ). I currently have a few neglected fields I am going to replant in the fall. I was looking to get some opinions on what to plant? Teff or promax sudan this summer. I currently have enough orchardgrass and timothy hay coming in for my dozen cow/calf pairs so the summer crop may be for the cows or to sell. I am located in southern nj and have seen people have success with both. I am just trying to see what you guys think would be better according to protein and yield? Also this is probably a dumb question but since I dont have a round baler would there be a problem small square baling sudangrass since I have only seen it round baled?
You might consider Pearl Millet or Forage oats with some Red Clover. That would make some nice hay.
Steve Wilson":1k96q5ex said:
I'l second that suggestion. Hybrid Pearl Millet is wonderful forage. Never tried to bale it in small squares though.
Single rake, low gear. :p
I know one guy who said years ago he baled sudex with a small square baler. I planted that Garst bale and graze - sorghum - sudan last year and grazed it but it was real high in dry matter, I am pretty sure I could have baled that dry if I had to.
Angus Cowman":qm11sj78 said:
Steve Wilson":qm11sj78 said:
I'l second that suggestion. Hybrid Pearl Millet is wonderful forage. Never tried to bale it in small squares though.
What are the water and fert reguirements for the pearl millet and when do you plant it and bale it

Soil temp needs to be at least 75 degrees. This is about the time you start raising your windows at night. If you fertilize it about like a hay crop with anywhere from 60-100 units of nitrogen and 20 units of P and K then you will have plenty of growth. I tend to drop the N back to the low end cause it can and will get out of hand if you get plenty of rain. If you are getting average rainfall and you put the cows on it when it is about shin high - they won't catch it and you can cut hay and graze it if its partitioned properly. Its good stuff.
I square baled some hybrid pearl millet this year. Single rake and low gear is very good advice. I cut it a little early, only a seedhead or two in the whole field. Best grass hay I baled all year. Crude protein tested at 12.9 percent. Better to cut with a haybine if you have access to one. Crimps the stems and allows you to leave plenty of stubble for another cutting. Use caution when feeding pearl millet. When I'm carrying a bale, I might as well be walking through Ethiopia with a pack of bologna. The girls lose their minds.
dyates":kwvjlngp said:
I might as well be walking through Ethiopia with a pack of bologna. The girls lose their minds.

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: That is one mental picture that I doubt I'll ever forget. :lol2: :lol2:
Thanks for all the advise. I found this summer grass evaluation on penn states web site. The weather at these two locations is similar to mine so it kind of makes it a tough call. All these varieties are from king seed and thats the dealer I use. I may actually just try millet and teff and then just sell the teff as horse hay.

Species, Variety Rock Springs t/a Landisville t/a

Teff, Pharaoh 5.2 6.4
Teff, Tiffany 4.6 6.7
Teff, Corvalis 5.6 6.9
Millet, Wonderleaf 6.3 6.8
Sudangrass, Haymaker 7.7 7.4
Sorgham-sudangrass, Summer King 8.2 6.7
Sorgham-sudangrass, Summer Queen 9.1 7.4
Sorgham-sudangrass, Summer Prince 8.2 7.6
Sorgham-sudangrass, Summer Dream 7.7 4.4
Jogeephus":12pe24cd said:
dyates":12pe24cd said:
I might as well be walking through Ethiopia with a pack of bologna. The girls lose their minds.

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: That is one mental picture that I doubt I'll ever forget. :lol2: :lol2:

I think I will remember that one and use it if you don't mind.

I'll second what everyone has said about the pearl millet hay. Planted some following wheat last summer, and it makes excellent hay. The cows just go plum crazy over it.

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