This is for a friend, he has a dairy farm and yesterday morning the cow in question was just fine. Then last night when I went to round the cows up for eve. milking she was standing in the pasture with her mouth open, tougne sticking out, foaming at the mouth and her breathing was fast with a popping noise. When you touched her, she felt clammy, cold, and kinda damp. She also had muscle spasms and she hadn't produced hardly any milk since the morning milking. I brought her in to milk her and give her a shot, then when I left her out she fell in the parlor and died in less then 3 min. We found all these symtoms strange and we never saw this before (by the way she didn't have a temp.) Does anybody have any idea of what it was?! We are concerned that it could be a disease and could spread. Thank you for any help or suggestions!
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