spit up

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For about a month now I've been supplementing pasture with hay for my Angus/ Hereford herd. This evening I put out 2 bales with the Angus going after the first and the herefords the second. After about 10 minutes one of the Herefords stepped away from the trough and spit up about 3-4 times. A few minutes later a second Hereford did the same, followed by an Angus. They seems OK otherwise and shortly after went back to feeding. Is this simply a case of "rumen overload" or something I should be concerned about?

[email protected]
> For about a month now I've been
> supplementing pasture with hay for
> my Angus/ Hereford herd. This
> evening I put out 2 bales with the
> Angus going after the first and
> the herefords the second. After
> about 10 minutes one of the
> Herefords stepped away from the
> trough and spit up about 3-4
> times. A few minutes later a
> second Hereford did the same,
> followed by an Angus. They seems
> OK otherwise and shortly after
> went back to feeding. Is this
> simply a case of "rumen
> overload" or something I
> should be concerned about?

It would be my "guess" that they were just acting like pigs and choked! Dust could also be a factor! You didn't say how many cows are being fed or if they still had calves pulling on them! If they are still sucking their calves it could be that the pasture is shorter than you think and they are getting pretty hungry before you put the hay out!

More than likely however they are just trying to eat too fast!

[email protected]

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