So Long, My Old Friend

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Dun - Christmas 2017
Sorry to hear this -been awhile since I've been on here-had a few convos with Dun over the years
Do you mean mineral feeder? I actually taught him and he built his own & posted it. I "stole" the "pattern" from Hudson Pines Farm (David Rockefellers farm). They could afford any kind of mineral feeder, but they found this to be most efficient.
We ALWAYS referred to it as Dun's mineral feeder.
Brings back memories!!!
the whole thread brings back memories.
Glad to see it in a way, as it was a while since I'd logged in and the first thing I noticed was an absence.
Knowing, is better than guessing that Dun has left these earth-bound forums.

Much good advice over many years, he imparted.
Headin' In

Some fellers favor sunup
just before their day begins,
while others favor eve'nin
when their day is at an end.

But this old cowboy's dif'rent
it's the way I've always been,
cause the time that gets me smilin'
is the time for headin' in.

With a day of work behind me
and before the sunset ends,
it's a quiet and peaceful feelin'
on the trail while headin' in.

There's a breeze that often comes up
as a warm, southwestern wind,
and a glow across the prairie
as I'm slowly headin' in.

Above a hawk is wheelin'
swoopin' down then up again,
as if he wants one final look
'fore he too is headin' in.

My saddle pal don't say much
but he tells me with a grin,
he feels about the same as me
with our ponies headin' in.

Someday this'll all be over
just the prairie, grass and wind,
I hope He'll let me pass this way
when it's time for headin' in.

© Rod Nichols, All rights reserved
I saw a new post on this thread and just wanted to say that I read through this entire thread history just a day or two ago. Someone on here has a quote from him as their signature line and that is what prompted me to read it.

Don passed just a few months after I joined this Board and I really regret not getting to know him. From all I have seen he was a class act and definitely let his mark on this world.
I just came back from a long absence. That's sad to hear about Dun, that man sure knew his stuff when it came to cattle. A lot of experience to pass onto others as well. I hope his family is doing ok, he sure will be missed.
Three years I've been off the board; this wasn't a pleasant thing to come across. When I first joined, Dun was one of the first "real" members to reach out to me and offer advice. I'm sure like many others, I'd pm'd back and forth with him. The thousands of posts and pm's he's given people over the years speak volumes of his character.
cypressfarms said:
Three years I've been off the board; this wasn't a pleasant thing to come across. When I first joined, Dun was one of the first "real" members to reach out to me and offer advice. I'm sure like many others, I'd pm'd back and forth with him. The thousands of posts and pm's he's given people over the years speak volumes of his character.
The term "irreplaceable' comes to mind.
I knew this was coming just as cfpinz did. Dun and I had a very meaningful conversation when he came back from the hospital and I am thankful we had it. He taught me a lot and I had planned to come up and meet him. We will not be meeting as I had planned but one day we will. dun you were a great friend to me. Thank you
F.I.P. Farm in Peace

I got back on here tonight and for whatever reason I remembered the exact date Dun -Don died... I definitely miss talking to him whether it was on the phone or on here.

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