Pnw Farmer
Well-known member
I know what you mean Rafter, the Jersey in with her was a bottle baby that doesn't know he's 900 lbs now so he tries to play and rub his head on me, practically lifts me off the ground, especially if I'm not giving him the attention. The heifer in question only gets close enough that I can scratch under her chin or between her ears and eyes she seems to enjoy, if I move any closer she'll take a step back. We're trying to find that happy medium between pet but still acts like a cow.
Gobbler, what were the dispositions like of the ones that have taken runs at you, pasture pets that flipped a switch and got mean or run of the mill cows that just had an ornery side to them.
Jan, if you could convince my dad that's a good idea you'd be my friend forever. Lol. My grandpa was a kid in the Depression, nothing got tossed to the day he died and that mentality got engrained in my dad. If it was complete when it got parked then there could be a day in the future it might have to rise again.
Gobbler, what were the dispositions like of the ones that have taken runs at you, pasture pets that flipped a switch and got mean or run of the mill cows that just had an ornery side to them.
Jan, if you could convince my dad that's a good idea you'd be my friend forever. Lol. My grandpa was a kid in the Depression, nothing got tossed to the day he died and that mentality got engrained in my dad. If it was complete when it got parked then there could be a day in the future it might have to rise again.