Pnw Farmer
Well-known member
Hello all, been lurking and learning what I can for awhile now. First off, I'm a farmer that can toss hay, that's about the extent of my ranching knowledge. My wife comes from ranching on both sides of her family but they're on a commercial scale, we're gathering a few pasture pets to put together a small 4-H herd for our kids so up close with animals that like attention isn't their bread and butter. My question to the knowledgeable folks on here is this, we have a bred heifer here at home who occasionally lowers her head and acts snorty when I walk out to the corrals she's in. As soon as I start talking to her though she comes right over to get her chin scratched. She doesn't back away or swing her head around or bellow, her head just goes to about a foot off the ground and starts snorting. We got her about a month ago and she's never acted aggressive or made me feel nervous being in with her. We've got a Jersey steer in with her that we're feeding out along with a couple weaned calves, she's made herself boss cow with them but acts very mellow with myself and the family when they're near her. My curiosity with her snorting is what I wanted to pick your brains on. Defensive? Her way of greeting me? Pregnancy hormones? (3 kids and married so I know all about pickles and peanut butter cravings) Lol. Thanks in advance and I hope to keep learning more from here.