small town intertanment

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Jan 14, 2006
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we had a big drug raid here in our county this morning, now everyones on line cking the jail web page to see who's there... humm hadnt got that crazy neighbor chick yet ,, maybe rd was too rough to get her since i fenced the fields in and they have to keep the rd in one place now....cops should of called me, id give them a good mule. or the key to dougs tractor lol
rose :cowboy:
Oh my, you must have been some kinda fun there today! Our small town entertainment is never ending. We have the neighbor that had his license taken away and put his fish house out on the lake with a lawnmower, in the summer he attends garage sales on it with beer in hand. We have the neighbor that has a CCW license that has been kicked out of every store in the big town for showing his pistol. We have the neighbor that puts up no trespassing signs with another neighbors name on them, then the other guy comes and shoots them out. It goes on and on and on like that. :nod:
MistyMorning":rpylzhs1 said:
Oh my, you must have been some kinda fun there today! Our small town entertainment is never ending. We have the neighbor that had his license taken away and put his fish house out on the lake with a lawnmower, in the summer he attends garage sales on it with beer in hand. We have the neighbor that has a CCW license that has been kicked out of every store in the big town for showing his pistol. We have the neighbor that puts up no trespassing signs with another neighbors name on them, then the other guy comes and shoots them out. It goes on and on and on like that. :nod:

OMG that is too funny...Just another day in Wisteria Lane.. :lol2: I am glad that it is somewhat quiet around here although there are the stories of the one family that lives down the road from us. Granny died in the basement but no one noticed and kept chucking dirty clothes down stairs. Well when the laundry never got done they found granny buried under a pile of dirty clothes. When the ambulance went there they had to walk around a goat ,chickens and a pig that was in the house..True story as my friend was on call at the time..We never venture down that dead end road and when I drive by it the song from Deliverance always come to mind. Plus weird stenches waft over to our place from them definitely something dead.. :help:

I hope things quiet down around there for you Brownmule, you'll have to train Grayson into becoming an attack animal.. :)
Thursday I found some water hose on the ground and saw where it trailed off into a swamp. I looked to the south and as far as I could see it snaked through the woods toward a neighborhood. Being nosey, I followed it for a while until I tired and figured I best get back to work but I could see it went to a certain house. All total, there was nearly a quarter mile of water hose leading to the edge of the swamp. I'm thinking, this fella is stupid but I'm sure he is going to plead innocent if he is caught.
Jogeephus":2dj1c784 said:
Thursday I found some water hose on the ground and saw where it trailed off into a swamp. I looked to the south and as far as I could see it snaked through the woods toward a neighborhood. Being nosey, I followed it for a while until I tired and figured I best get back to work but I could see it went to a certain house. All total, there was nearly a quarter mile of water hose leading to the edge of the swamp. I'm thinking, this fella is stupid but I'm sure he is going to plead innocent if he is caught.

What is he trying to get rid of? And why?
Let's see, both persons involved in murdering a guy have finally pleaded guilty, about time.
One of the depuities pulling over a speeder, scared the driver in front of the speeder so bad he rolled the vehicle he was in. :roll:
Not much else going on been pretty quiet around here, expect it to change.
oh the fun of small towns an crazy people.we had a neighbor to weld something on the axle of the my bro had a heavy logg chain in the cab.went to get the tractor an the logg chain was bro told the guy you better find that logg a day or so later he flagged my bro down an said i found your bro told him i thought it would show back up fast.
This morning I loaded up a donkey to deliver it to the guy I gave it to. As I left the pasture I stopped outside the gate and got out to close it. As I came around the back of the trailer the donkey was escaping. I did not double check the latch on the slide gate. :oops: I scared the snot out of him as I came around and he took off like a rocket. I ran back to the barn and grabbed a bucket of sweet feed. As luck would have it there was a police officer already chasing after the donkey. When the officer ran out of breath, fat guy, I caught up with him and told him If he would get out of the way the donkey would come to the feed a follow me into the trailer. Nope, he said, I have to get this thing off the public street immediately. He called for back up. 7 cop cars showed up. Sheriffs department and local city police. 2 hours later the head man showed up, finally somebody I new, and told all the cops to go back to their cars. It took about 5 minutes to calm him down and he followed me into the trailer. The worst part was the the guy from the local news paper showed up taking photo's. I can just see the headlines now. Man Eating Donkey Threatens Local Police. Oh well It will give the guys at coffee something to rib me about come Monday morning.
I have not told this before, but what the heck.

We traded donkeys with a lady in Oklahoma and we told her we'd meet her at the border. Well, she was afraid that the law would check us for Coggins which we had but she did not. So we had to find somewhere to trade animals. Solution: a large adult bookstore on the Texas side of the border. So there we are, at the porn store with a donkey in a trailer. My husband is wanting to get him out of there, and I am saying, "NO! What will people think when they see a donkey at the porn store?"

Then the other people showed up and we traded donkeys in the parking lot. Now there are two donkeys in the parking lot of the porn store, both of whom are out of the trailers. It was embarrassing. Then the lady was wanting to go in there because she had to use the bathroom... I sure am glad no one pulled up while we were out there.
MistyMorning":3pbuh5si said:
We have the neighbor that puts up no trespassing signs with another neighbors name on them, then the other guy comes and shoots them out. It goes on and on and on like that. :nod:

I couldn't help but laugh at that. The truth is, there are a lot of folks killed over such as this.

I thought we were going to relive the old Taylor - Sutton fued last summer over a neighbor's cows. Now he and the man south of me are going at it over his angus bull that was shot. My 75 acre place is in between the two of them.

My north fence is not quite buttoned up enough to hold water - yet. So the bull has to go down the road now and through two neighbor's places. I sort of passed the buck so to speak :D

Funny when you get old. Thankfully I made it. Now I am always thinking, "Is this worth dying over or is it worth going to prison for killing over?" Those thoughts never crossed my mind in my youth.
Got two neighbors way north of us going at it. It involves open range laws and 9 dead bred cows. Going to get really ugly before this is all over.
Brownmule, you'll have to train Grayson into becoming an attack animal.. :)[/quote]

hummm wonder is i could a life size cut out pic of that crazy chick and whack him every so often with it LOL.... R :banana:
long story short, i live in a small town, my farm is about a mile a way, i have some of my mules here and my reg jack, {i keep the man close to home] any way got this hateful neighbor here been trying to run us and my friend jane out of town for yr since 99, he has tryed every thing from us starving our donkeys you name it ive talked to them st police , town cops [ who we call donkey cops]. health inspector every time we get a new official i meet them, we are well with in our rights. and town ordnances. as long as we dont have pigs , the donks are grandfathered in now, DNR told the town to leave us alone. he got his wife and friend on the town council thinking im sure he'd jerk a knot in our tail now. they made a rule that the field had to be picked up every 24 hrs{ donkey poop} which i did for about a yr, funny thing i bagged it set beside the gate, other council members came and got it for there gardens LOL. then i pushed the issue, other ppl who has animals dont do that. so the took it off the books. he just tryed to railroad us and found out this ol mule wont move.
i plan to move to the farm as soon as they throw the first shovel of dirt on him. LOL other wise i will commute. LOL every so offten i saddle up ol general jackson and ride to town. go to the P O . i do fund raisers with him during the local parades. donkey rides is pretty good $. cups of carrots is pretty good too.
ol general goes to the co fair hes a celb. there. LOL been going for 10 yrs, he brays at the kids comming in to the barn. i hear them asking before they get in is he gonna be there this yr?
that crazy chick at the farm dont have a clue , she dont like my "yettie' cows wait till she gets a ear full of "baby boy" lol
im really not hard to get along with really,id do any thing for any one who needs help, i just dont take to threats well.. Rose

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