Since it WASNT in the news....

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This is a joke, right? :shock: :shock: :shock:

not really anything there more than what is referred to in manufacturing as a PRESIDENTIAL ORDER that basically states that in a time of emergency certain items fall under a presidential order which means it has the highest priority when it come to delivery and manufacture! been around for a long time.
used a lot in military manufacturing plants and suppliers and contractors
There's nothing new or earth shattering about it. Presidents have assumed near dictatorial powers during national emergencies before. Lincoln during the Civil War and Roosevelt during WWII come to mind. After the emergency passes, things have always gone back to normal.
In the event of a national emergency, such as a nuclear attack, better to have one man or woman making the tough decisions, most of which would need to made at a moments notice. There wouldn't be time for long, drawn out "discussions" in Congress or a cabinet meeting or anything else. The man or woman making those decisions should be the President, IMO. If there were ever a time we needed to trust the person we put in power (and stay the heck out of their way), that would be it.
I would think things like what happenened in New Orleans after Katrina would have been handled better.

The Feds hands where tied and we see what resulted from poor local government.
am thinking that this is another media scare tactic to give the bush bashers fuel to add to the fire :D

problem is people only read what they want to read, and others only publish what they want the public to see,
and others panic