I have a heifer that went down last Tuesday. I got her up to the house and weaned her 4 month old calf off. I thought she might have eaten something that disagreed with her. Her temp was a little low at that time but was normal a few hours later. I gave her some Probios and got about a half gal of electrolytes down her. The next day she was a little better. Nibbled at her food and drank a little also she passed a little bit of tar looking stuff, looked like old blood maybe. I put a magnet down her, more Probios, and Electrolytes and she seemed to do better the next day, although I noticed she hadn't pooped since I got her to the house, so I gave her 16 oz of mineral oil. The next day I called the Vet. He couldn't get out but left a message to give her more mineral oil. I put all I had down her 1/2 gal. Still no poop. This morning I felt inside her as far as I could reach and couldn't feel any obstructions. I got an enema hose in her with warm soapy water. She had peristaltic action to push the water back out. I think she must have twisted her gut. Today she didn't eat, but I got Electrolytes down her. Their is only one Vet and he seems to be to busy to come out. I have only talked with his receptionist and she said the only thing they could do for a twisted gut was to hall the animal to the University to be opened up. That isn't an option. Seems like I remember someone saying you could roll them over and maybe untwist the gut. Has anyone heard of this and what direction do you roll them? I am willing to try anything at this point. I have her covered with hay for the night. Eny help will be much appreciated! Thank you!