> I have a Angus bull who has
> suddenly lost weight (backbone,
> ribs showing), lost strenght but
> still eats well. Should I sell him
> or treat him?
As Springer Farms implied, if he has not been adequately wormed that could be the problem. Does he also have diarrhea? That is a symptom of several problems, and heavy worm infestation is one of them.
I had an Angus bull in with my Beefmaster and tigerstripe cows and had an issue similar to yours. When I got him the seller assured me he had been recently wormed and I decided that he would thereafter receive no better treatment than did my cows. But the worms, lice and other parasites just tore him up, with MUCH worse effect than the cows running in the same pasture so I had to change my decision and help him out way ahead of the cows. A good heavy dose of IvomecPlus would be my initial suggestion if you are in liver fluke country ("plain" Ivomec or Dectomax if elswhere) and see if that helps him any.