September calves!

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Good job. I have to admit - I ALWAYS advise against buying a calf. Too much chance of bringing in different bugs and can get all your other newborns sick. Something I would NEVER do on my farm. I have spliced a twin onto a cow if timing was right. But, looks like all is well.
Thanks Jeanne.
This calf and cow was actually at my buddies place for a couple weeks b4 I brought her to my home pen, but still a good ways off from the home herd. I have a pen about 100 yards from the cows pastures. No nose touching allowed!! Lol
My buddy is pretty savvy about cattle. I was gonna have the calf vaccinated and maybe an antibiotic because she came from the sale barn.
He suggested just keeping an eye on em and treat if we need to.
Worked out well this time!