Sent 12 heifers earlier today, direct to a buyer.... he offered 2.40 up to 585 lbs, sliding a bit if heavier... they averaged 620 lbs... got 237.52 / lb... over $1470/ head... no commission, just the beef checkoff and the Va beef checkoff of $18 total.... no waiting in line to unload... no comingling with anyone elses cattle to go through the ring... Son was expecting $1250 a head so a NICE surprise extra....
As bred heifers they might be worth $2000, in another year... wouldn't pay to keep them that much longer.
Talk is they ought to stay somewhat around the same for awhile...
We sorted through the big group, and kept 16... and have another 25 that are a little smaller... very tempting to go through them again. I have decided I am no longer "in love" with any of them.... and have another 40+ to wean off cows within the next month... steers and heifers mixed.
I am all for shipping more... We are dry, have had D2 drought conditions all year although we got a few rains that salvaged the corn crop, late in July and then again end of Sept.... and we got some real good hay made right. But if we don't get some decent rains, there won't be much grass.... and it is getting concerning with the wells and such.
This buyer ships all over, has huge contracts for wheat cattle and such... and said that there just aren't alot of cattle since so many were pulled early here when it was so dry, and cows have been culled heavy... so they feel prices will hold for a good while.
Steers are running .50 to 1.00 a lb higher than heifers on stuff under 600 lbs.... even higher on the smaller 350-450 wts.
They had a big run at the stockyards, and we went by there for annual "customer appreciation" meal.... very very rib sandwiches, huge jumbo shrimp, and more.... and they hadn't even started at 3;30 so we left to come home....
I think we need to go through and pull another 20+ to sell.... heifers and steers...